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Posts posted by Admire

  1. I haven't followed about that.


    How strong respirators / gas masks do people need in order to live there?


    Me neither....But don't worry, because there are pandas on them





    They're literally everywhere in Beijing. I dunno if its true but I read somewhere that there are 1.2 million smog related deaths from 2010 alone


    Holy shit:s


    The numbers might be higher.

    I remember china having 670,000 smog related deaths in 2012 alone....

  2. Because LTT doesn't automatically display those correctly.


    Your dog hasn't starved for the majority of his life? I dunno.


    I agree...the plan must be to starve his dog and when try. Im sure he will get a hot chinese chick soon.


    maybe, I feed them mostly leftovers from the kitchen tho.

    also that China smog, they're not even ashamed of showing it.


    I don't know how bad the situation is now, but they might have to go pretty far to get away from the smug of the big cities. Its kinda hard to not show.

  3. Err no. The coxen is the person who is in the row boat that steers and tells the rowers what to do.

    On topic,

    I think the thing I want is physical contact, not actually her

    my dream job..."Row you fuckers! Faster!!!..."
  4. Have you guys played the game? It looks freaking great and it actually runs good on something like a 280X. The "gamplay" they showed at E3 2013 was most likely just an in-engine tech demo without the entire game behind it - theres no "original quality" to restore it to guys... And lots of the "controversy" on graphics downgrade was based on bad screenshots - some of the comparisons even looked like they were from the console version.

    It's a fun game but not beautiful by any stretch of the imagination
  5. REbuilt. While the crash was largely an American thing it did have shockwaves across the world. That said I did forget about the Amiga.


    Where did I say it didn't? I said PC gaming (at least what we know it as now) didn't become a big thing until the late 80s to early 90s, not that it didn't exist prior to that. Though I suppose it brings up a debate on where to classify systems like the C64 and the other more PC-esque "consoles".


    I loved the amiga.....also, I miss those times where it was completely normal to have at least 200+ games ready to play:p It was just a tiny diskette, and it could hold several games.....

  6. Gotta die from something. Better the death you choose eh?


    To be perfectly honest, cancer can be cause by anything, it's the result of damage to our genes, and any being, however naturally long lived (as in the specific genes in their DNA responsible for cell replication don't degrade as ours do) will eventually run into the problem of cancer.


    I still don't understand how people quit cold turkey, then again I've been smoking for ten years by now. Part of me thinks it's because my family smokes so I always have access to cigs, and can't just "cut myself off" for a long enough period of time to kick the nicotine habit.


    How did you do it? Did you set up certain circumstances? (I think if I had a week to myself, ample supply of marijuana, internet and games, and no car, I could probably do it.)


    There are just some people who have amazing will power.....My Grandfather is 85 now, and has been smoking since he was 14....


    He has stopped smoking a few times during the last 20 years, and its always cold turkey and usually lasts for at least 9 months....How he just quit cold turkey after smoking for 60 fucking years, is amazing to me.



    That I think its stupiud to quit that late in your life, is another thing....I think its life quality at that point.

  7. Stop lying! I have a policy of almost universal truth, and its much easier....Lying becomes a habit waaaay too fast.


    My Cousin is 26....And he is still bending backwards to make sure his parents don't find out about all his secrets .....It sounds exhausting.



    Your claim about vapes not smelling is BS btw.

  8. Well to be fair Mad Max came out way before Borderlands was even thought of.



    Also congratulations on your new headphones.


    Thank you thank you thank you! Im sooooo psyched! :P


    I know it came out before Borderlands, but look at the trailer for the movie, and its very similar.


    I going to watch it...but I seem to disagree with the world lately....I really disliked Avengers 2 for instance.

  9. Always hated supergirl/woman whatever, batgirl etc etc. What a brilliant way of pandering to women without actually giving them the credit of getting their own actual superhero...no, lets just reinvent a different character and add girl or woman to the end of the name.


    Its looks mildly entertaining...except that the MC seems to have trouble when she is "Claire" Ken...Im guessing the name here btw. She can't play insecure very well.


    Kudos on flockhart....great actress.


    edit: This trailer kinda shows the weakness of the whole superman thing in the first place...."Its my families code of arms".....That story is so bad.

  10. there was a steam sale a while back where together they were at most 6 dollars. maybe it's still running, as it was in prep for witcher 3's release. also try GoG.


    Will do thanks....I have preordered Witcher 3 on GoG as part of a Nvidia 970 buy....So will look in both places when i get home.
