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  1. What would you suggest I do then? I don't have a computer shop near me besides best buy.
  2. I have an MSI b350m motherboard that my brother gave me because it doesn't work. We've tried different ram sticks and even processors. He gave up and bought a b450 and uses it now and gave the old one to me. The only indicators we got was the ram light and cpu light. Everything we tried with it worked fine in the b450. We are out of warranty for it because we thought it was the processor (2nd gen) but my brother bought a 1st Gen ryzen 7 on sale and tried it in that...4 months later. It's an MSI b350m gaming pro. (Link to help) MSI Gaming AMD Ryzen B350 DDR4 VR Ready HDMI USB 3 CFX micro-ATX Motherboard (B350M GAMING PRO) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06X3Y7KB5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_bpGkDb3YA4132 Anything will help. Thanks, The tayco
  3. I'm guessing Ubuntu, it's not really optimized for higher resolutions or newer graphics technologies (i.e. HDR) so I would try to run it with a free version of windows and downloading the ubuntu thing from the store.
  4. Alright guys, I have a dilemma. I'm looking at 2 laptops and I had my sights set on one for a while, since the mobile APU are shite. Well, since they're in Adrenaline I think it's called, the drivers will get better. I'm just going to use it for school work and gamecube games in study hall (because I can). What are your guys ideas? Here's the laptops: https://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-330S-15ARR-Laptop-Memory-Platinum/dp/B07HGTFTZB/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=amd+ryzen+5+laptop&qid=1555593564&s=gateway&sr=8-4 (plan is external hdd for games and work so I can just take it with me for multiple laptops https://www.amazon.com/HP-Blizzard-15-cb035wm-i5-7300HQ-Processor/dp/B079P4GNH4/ref=sr_1_12?keywords=hp+gaming+laptop&qid=1555593681&s=electronics&sr=1-12 (I have a replacement ssd)
  5. That's true, but no idea if it will happen, since he said he would but he probably won't since he doesn't have the money (yet).
  6. My brother got a b350 and they didn't bios update it, was so triggered. that was Christmas, still haven't gotten it fixed, Newegg is such an ass about it too.
  7. the upgrade path for the intel processor, i don't have any ryzens, my brother is getting a 1700 tho.
  8. I did for my brother and they didn't and it's been an ass to work with, probably not going to make same mistake, in mine i made it a b450, because i don't want the hassle, extra $20 but saves a lot of tim
  9. I thought about something similar, but i use the upgrade path myself and it just seems cheaper, imo
  10. did look at the motherboard and it should be compatible, if not, i'll use it for myself
  11. HI guys, I have a build ready on pc part picker for my aunt, mostly used parts, some of the parts that are not in there i already have. Want to know your thoughts on it. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/LankusDankus/saved/6BNtgs
  12. What I think about Apple is that they need new leadership, plain and simple. They really need to think about what the competition is doing. How I would like them to change is their mobile division, it's a mess. To be honest, they should have iOS flavors and Android flavors of their phones. Stupid, Probably, would people buy it, hell yeah. I would like to say is that, a redesign of the SE needs to take place, where they should have a low power processor to capture the low end. You would have the "quality of apple" then the cheapness of a phone. They have a hang of their computer division, it may not be perfect, but it is damn close. They really have a hold of their market and they make the best products they can.