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Everything posted by Unknown_Guy

  1. Just few days back changed HDD to SSD for brothers Dell Vostro 1500 and just for fun went with Win 10. I have to say it's damn good for everyday use with its Core2Duo 2GHz\4GB\8600m GT 256MB. considering it's something like 7 years old. I admin it's not very portable but as a desktop replacement that you can easily carry around house still good.
  2. IMHO in lot of cases for Word/internet/youtube it's basically at least 4 gigs of ram and then pick one which looks better.
  3. And if brute force doesn't work, you aren't using enough of it
  4. Well, I am not surprised. His evangelistic fanboying is just too offensive. I got the feeling that his opinion is the correct one and this is not how you should interact with others. Anyway, he was posting some good stuff too so mixed feelings here.
  5. Is this something new? Didn't know they offer this. Much better way indeed.
  6. World needs another cat website or even social network.
  7. Here is two more: https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/EKIE-DQ9P-VRDI-CPRD https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/7J4L-GHN6-PWMI-WSXE
  8. Got two and for the same reason as OP giving both away: https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/7J4L-GHN6-PWMI-WSXE https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/EKIE-DQ9P-VRDI-CPRD
  9. Too bad they don't ship it to where I live would get one. So here's two more: https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/EKIE-DQ9P-VRDI-CPRD https://account.oneplus.net/invite/claim/7J4L-GHN6-PWMI-WSXE
  10. And now you can even program your robots with http://artoo.io with ease. This is something I would like to try. Mruby is getting it to be usable in a lot of new areas.
  11. Nah, the dead one I am referring is presto based Opera. I agree current IE is quite ok.
  12. Maybe you can come up with this superb browser UI feature that will change my life (and save some kittens) and that way prove me being wrong.
  13. Then enlighten me with those super important differences I most likely don't care about. The only browser that did things differently is dead.
  14. That wold look nice in transformer themed build.
  15. I call that utter BS, the UI for almost all modern browsers are basically the same.
  16. Come on, this kind of question is just asking for http://lmgtfy.com. It takes more time to write a question and wait for answer than just do simple search yourself. If you can't get answer on your own for this simple question than I have to ask why are you studying there.
  17. That game is a masterpiece. I replayed the whole campaign again like 2 years ago. The music is awesome. http://www.openra.net
  18. http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_hover.asp ?
  19. Yeah, HTML + CSS is fun until you open IE less than 9.
  20. I wouldn't recommend that. It's much harder to make everything responsive later than doing it from start. Are you using something like http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/ ? Making responsive design that way is much much easier. Another good thing that comes with it is browser support especially IE.
  21. This was on our white board last Christmas: 30.times{|_|p (_=' '*(10-_)+'#'*_)+_.reverse if(_=(10*_/25)%10)!=0} Try it out here http://repl.it/languages/Ruby
  22. Disable all extensions/plugins. I see ABP there for FF. For me on OS X mavericks with Opera 12.x and 20 tabs open - 735MB ram with ABP enabled. Opera 24 developer with only uBlock - 6 tabs open 470MB ram used. Basically because Cromiums engine is process per tab we get much bigger memory footprint. I think same is true for FF.