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Volcano Joe

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  1. Alright guys, the build has come to an end and she is more than I ever dreamed of. UserBenchmark had rated my old machine as a fucking Raft at a score of 30, but now, this beast smokes anything on its plate as a UFO at a score of 103. Thank you all so much for the helpful hints and opinions, it really helped make this machine what it is. I even came in beneath my budget at $1480/1500! The difference really is amazing and I couldn't be happier. The wife is now asking to repeat the same build for her personal PC ! As promised, some completed glam photos below.
  2. Thanks fellas, pretty psyched for my first build and what it shaped out to be. Will post pics after all the parts come in. PSU, GPU, MOBO and RAM have all been bought. Now the waiting game begins O .o
  3. Why yall gotta be on the OTHER side of the U.S.? RIP LUL
  4. Ive decided to go along with the build provided by herman mcpootis as it is a really good result for the price. The only difference really is the G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory. I couldnt find the 3000 version for a reasonable price so I went for this. are there any compatibility issues with going for the 3200 instead of 3000? Updated build
  5. Thanks guys, I like the new options to weigh. I may ditch the Ryzen for something Intel after all.
  6. Hey guys, made this thread mostly for getting suggestions/corrections/improvements on my parts list for this build. It is my first PC build ever (not saying I've never taken apart and rebuild before) and id like to run by may plan with those more experienced with gaming builds. My budget for the rig was $1500. In the sate of MA, online shoppers do have to pay tax still so I've decided to try and include that in the budget, but this is most likely to change due to outrageous RAM and GPU prices. I am interested in anything you guys have to say as I would love to maximize the performance of this thing while staying within my budget. For example, you know of a component that is cheaper and gives the exact same performance OR BETTER, you know of a component that is a little more expensive but give better performance LEMME KNOW. I also want it to be open for future upgrades, like more RAM at a later date so that's good to keep in mind as well. Here's the PC PART PICKER build link: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MVNcYT This rig will be used to play games like: Minecraft with resource heavy modpacks Rocket League at max display settings and FPS goal of 200s PUBG and Fortnight The link has my CPU and MOBO priced at $200 and $82 respectively. These will be purchased as a bundle on amazon for $266.50 https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Processor-Wraith-Cooler-YD1600BBAEBOX/dp/B074QQ8187?SubscriptionId=AKIAI3VLI6HITR26KCBQ&tag=userbenchmark-20&linkCode=sp1&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B06XNRQHG4&th=1 Also the case I am planning to use is an Enermax EQUILENCE Silent Tempered Glass case. Please speak up if you know on any cons or incompatibilities as I know very little about picking a case. https://www.amazon.com/Enermax-Computer-Tempered-Pre-installed-ECA3520B-03-BL/dp/B075VQQCLR/ref=sr_1_93?ie=UTF8&qid=1521866507&sr=8-93&keywords=atx%2Bcase%2Bglass%2B-micro%2B-mATX&th=1
  7. Heyo whatsup everyone!? Just logging in to say HI and see how the forums is doing. I actually thought here would be a great place to ask for opinions on my first gaming rig. Anyone know where the best thread to do that would be?