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Me: Nah I'm good




P.S. it is enabled by default...

  1. TopHatProductions115


    Set everything to false - still get spied on.


    Can Spybot AntiBeacon dent that?

  2. Razor Blade

    Razor Blade

    Not sure it will. As far as I know Spybot antibeacon is more aimed at killing the telemetry and this setting is part of Windows Defender.


    Thing is, it doesn't really say when and what files it picks. It just says "send sample files". Does this mean it picks random files from your computer and sends them? Or when it finds something infected does it send that? It doesn't say. There is absolutely nothing in their privacy statement about this "feature" either. Which means it is just under the general privacy statement that includes these...



    How we use personal data

    • Personalize our products and make recommendations.
    • Advertise and market to you, which includes sending promotional communications, targeting advertising, and presenting you with relevant offers.


    I know why they call it "Windows". Because they can see right into everything you're doing. Meanwhile, I'm trying my hardest to put up some damn blinds.
