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Have an iDRAC6 enterprise daughter card?  Wish you could make IE11 work with it? Well after finishing off only two 16 fl/oz coffees, I found out how to make mine work...


Problem: Even though Google Chrome and Firefox will allow you to login to your iDRAC6, it is likely that you won't be able to launch a console...which is one of the best features of having the freaking iDRAC in the first place... So opening IE11 either won't let you log in or you log into a cesspool of undefined links and 404 sadness... IE does have a little feature that will make it work... but if you have any other version of Windows besides enterprise, you're SOL right? Welp.. lets fix that shall we?


Prerequisite: I'm assuming you can already log into your iDRAC. If you can not (example if you get login failed even though credentials are correct. Or during bootup of your server log into your iDRAC and set your password), check to make sure "Video Encryption Enabled" is checked. You may have to use Google Chrome or Firefox to do this.


Step 1: Enable enterprise mode feature.
    On Windows 10 Pro this is not supposed to even be an option so you will have to add to the registry in order to unlock this feature...    


(EDIT #2 11/24/18) Actually typing out instructions for this...


you want to go to this location in the registry...

  1. After pasting the address in and pressing enter, right click on they key called "Microsoft" and select "New" then "Key". Name the new key "Internet Explorer"
  2. Next right click on the key you just created (Internet Explorer) and select "New" then "Key" and name this one "Main"
  3. Next right click on the key you just created (Main) and select "New" then "Key" and name this one "EnterpriseMode" (no space)
  4. Next right click on the key you just created (EnterpriseMode) and select "New" then "String Value". Name the string "Enable"

\/\/ This spoiler depicts what it should look like... \/\/



Now close the registry and open Internet Explorer (NOT EDGE) and you should now see the option under the tool menu for "Enterprise Mode" If you don't, you may have to restart your PC.


Step 2: Enable enterprise mode for the iDRAC6 web portal.
    Open IE11 and open the web portal using the iDRAC IP. On the menu bar click the "Tools" drop down and select "Enterprise Mode"





Step 3: Login to your iDRAC.

Step 4: Adjust the virtual console settings appropriately. These are settings that I have found work for me...





Step 5: Go into the IE11 settings and add your iDRAC web portal to trusted sites.

Step 6: Launch the virtual console. Wait a minute until the popup asks you to install the plugin. Click install. NOTE: It will take a bit for it to actually install as the iDRAC6 works a bit slow for this so be patient... Once installed the virtual console should work.


EDIT #1: Apparently firmware version 1.8 still won't work... The system I tested this on had version 2.85. So for the sake of convenience... Here is a link to Dell's latest firmware 2.91



Download the file named "iDRAC6_2.91_A00_FW_IMG.exe" and extract the file "firmimg.d6" which is what you use to update your iDRAC...which you'll have to do with Chrome or Firefox. Go to iDRAC settings then update. Upload the file (which takes a long time) then verify it shows your current firmware then the new firmware, click the next button to update. If you have issues you can always use the rollback feature to uninstall the firmware.
