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  1. Maybe not what you want, but have you tried octoprint? if the only purpose of this computer would be to send the prints, you can just work from your main pc and send the gcode the the 3D printer. Again, not sure if that's the only thing you want to do.
  2. This used to be a common bug, if im not mistaken the system waits for something before shutting down which never happens. what kernel are you on? either look for what is causing it to wait and solve it or mess with the system.conf and user.conf files. Edit. A bypass used to be turning off network and signing off before shutting down (works in most cases)
  3. That was the exact reason I was considering manjaro. I went for fedora and I don't know if the iso I got was corrupted or life just hates me but I kept running into issues while installing. The only other drive I had was a tumbleweed suse and that's what I am running right now. I think I'll settle on it for a lil while since i'm already behind on work but will probably get aboard the distro hopping. I am okay with systemd and I completely agree with the outdated software part on stable versions, but for now I don't quite feel the need to get the absolute latest version of everything. As I said, i'll be trying out things in the near future. Thanks!
  4. It's probably my top 1 right now, but I can't seem to take the big step just yet.
  5. I've been runnig gentoo for quite a long time now and i'm finally tired of it... i've heard a lot about manjaro but, should I go for suse, good old debian? I can't decide but it needs to be done this weekend and right now I'm not looking for reasons, i just want people to impose their distro on me. __________ Ok, I suppose I should elaborate a little bit more about it. I've been wanting to upgrade my main system for a while and i'm either super lucky or super cursed but my old stuff got fried, so I built a ryzen/vega system and it seemed like the perfect time to change OS too. I'm more of a gnome guy. Not a fan of canonical. I'm very comfortable with terminal. Don't really mind PM Stable > Rolling Then again, as I said, i'm really open to anything right now.