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Everything posted by poochyena

  1. Who told you this lie? And why do you believe it? Its completely made up, not based on anything. People don't magically appear out of thin air if the salary increases. Linus said if they paid more, then they wouldn't have a worker shortage. Guess what? Turns out they DO pay more, and they even pay above median wages! But they still have a shortage. Linus was wrong in every single possible way.
  2. yes.. thats the point. Linus implied they paid the average wage, but they pay above it.
  3. 1:30:00 Linus claims the median income for truckers is $48k, and implied that was the wage the company, schneider, is offering drivers. This is not true. They offer an average of $50k for the first year, and up to $110k after that 1. The average pay is around $57k. The median wage in the US is $45.7k3. "There is no worker shortage, they just aren't paying enough" is such a stupid argument, I'm so tired of having to debunk it all the time. 1https://schneiderjobs.com/truck-driving-jobs/inexperienced/first-year-truck-driver-pay 2https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Schneider/salaries/Truck-Driver 3https://usafacts.org/data/topics/economy/jobs-and-income/jobs-and-wages/median-annual-wage/
  4. "The All* WOOD Gaming Setup!" *contains only 10% wood That keyboard was the only thing that could reasonably be called wooden. Everything else was just wood accent pieces. I want to see a fully wooden case, with wood case fans.
  5. oh, thanks! honestly kinda shocking edit; Now we need a "coming out as a furry" video. I haven't forgotten
  6. wait, is Anthony trans now or does he have a twin sister also working for ltt
  7. ngl, I'm still kinda confused why he bought it. I had a hard time understanding him explaining why its *generally* useful, vs why he *personally* finds it useful.
  8. That must be it. I did apparently have a membership in 2020. I definitely never paid for it
  9. I'll post a screenshot when I see it again. I've been seeing it regularly for months (or year?)
  10. I'm getting really tired seeing this message pop up every week when I click an LTT video. I never even had a membership to ltt to begin with
  11. This is likely something the FBI themselves would be using, or the military. Something like this could potentially be more valuable than guns to the military when fighting other countries.
  12. Remote play is my favorite feature I didn't know about for years. I can play a game with a friend over the internet who doesn't own the game.
  13. but thats the thing, this thing isn't good for huge lawns. Its so small and slow at cutting and will need to be emptied a lot. Price tage absolutely does matter for rich people. They care about value just as much as anyone else. The value this brings over just hiring some workers to cut your lawn is minimal. I'm not sure there is any benefit to this over just hiring someone else to mow your lawn for you. In the average north american climate, you'd only be cutting grass once every 2 weeks for ~8 months of the year. The mower will likely break by the time its cheaper compared to hiring people instead.
  14. yea I thought this comment was really weird. Its definitely a high tech gadget that fits the LTT channel I think, but I think they accepted the sponsorship expecting it to be a lot better. It was a little embarrassing seeing him try so hard to not absolutely trash talk the product.
  15. I've looked at these before, but they are just far too expensive and much too limited to be worth it. You still have to trim around the areas it misses, and you'll have to manually move it if you have a fence or other obstacle separating your front and back yard. I instead just bought an electric push mower and it works amazing. It actually made mowing the lawn much more enjoyable since I wasn't breathing in fumes anymore.
  16. ?? Why would you pay $18 to upgrade the ram? Would that even give any real performance gain? That seemed like such a weird thing to do considering the topic of the video being that old hardware is perfectly fine and cheap.
  17. What is the implication then, if not to suggest pics would prove the story to be true?
  18. Why do tech bros think that before modern tech, fake videos/hoaxes didn't exist?
  19. yes, thats why I don't claim pokemon to be a threat to humanity similar to that of nuclear bombs
  20. surprised they didn't mention the 6800 more since it performed better for the same or lower price.
  21. More fantasy. "magically given an indescribable thing"
  22. I specifically asked *how* it would happen, the specifics, but it was more of the same "AI, some how, for no good reason, magical controls everything and can do everything humans can and more" yes, right, thats the point, its all local. How is the AI infecting a tank without any internet connection? What, is the army going to install AI on all the tanks and they all, independently, gain sentience? According to hollywood movies. Nuclear threats are real. AI threats are entirely fantasized. asking "what if" doesn't answer the question. What if a spider crawls into nuclear power plant, crawls into radioactive material, and then crawls out and bites someone, giving the bitten person super-human abilities??? I'm asking how any of that would actually happen in the real world, not for more fantasy scenarios. how? This is my problem with all these AI doomers. Its always just some huge definitive statement of what will happen without explaining how it would. Nuclear power and research will lead to people gaining super powers, which will cause wide spread destruction and harm. I know its true because I saw some movies with that plot. See how dumb that sounds? You can do that about anything. The biggest risk of viruses is everyone turning into zombies, causing extinction of humans. I saw loads of movies about it, so its totally true bro.