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About daysend

  • Birthday October 8

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    Networking, Photography, and General Technology
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  1. I haven't had it happen to me, but firmware updates are notoriously finnicky. If you can avoid a firmware update, I would take their advice and avoid it because of how easy it is to brick devices when your messing with firmware.
  2. That doesn't seem to be unusual, that happens on most speed tests for me. I think that may have something to do with the way Speed Tests send a lot of data and fill up caches and try to test different data sizes (4k, 512K, 1M, etc). I don't know this for sure, so if someone who does would back me up that'd be great. Thanks!
  3. Really loving reading threads in the Networking section! Still trying to learn about it, and it's amazing to learn about different aspects of Networking and help some people with what I do know!!!

  4. Powerline relies on your wall outlets connecting to each other as directly as possible. Wall outlets can have a lot of weird wiring, so it can take a lot of trial and error to get them connected properly. I don't know much about that error in particular, but it could come from connecting so slow it can't read all the data it needs for handshakes.To fix this I would suggest trying test plugging it in to all the wall sockets you can.
  5. Please do, because if your wifi network knows where you are(not just your devices) then something is very very wrong *spooky music plays*
  6. If your router isn't providing enough range you might also consider buying a separate access point(AP) with better range(I hear Ubiquiti is a good solution) that you can plug into your router to increase its range.
  7. Yes, that is completely normal network usage for a non-latency-sensitive application, such as video content. A video doesn't need to load in real time, that would just make it very susceptible to lag, so it sends packets in large groups so slowdowns can be detected and fixed before you need them(it also uses a network protocol that most networks use that prioritizes reliability with a handshaking process) whereas something like an online game might send a lower speed, more constant stream of data so you're getting the updates to your environment that you need in real time. But you don't need so much data because you only need to see the changes from locally stored data(such as those multi-gigabyte game files steam has you download)
  8. I'm afraid that there aren't simple terms for Web Service Definition Language, but here's an article from W3C about it. If you want to get into it, you're in for a lot of reading though, because it is quite complicated. links: https://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl https://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_wsdl.asp https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms996486.aspx
  9. To clarify - a Router is somewhat different from an Access Point(AP) A router is usually actually a combination of multiple things. The router you have is probably a mix of a modem(to pull in data from the internet), a router(that creates a local data, and assigns IP addresses to devices so everyone doesn't get all the data packets), an AP(which sends out data wirelessly), and a switch(the ports on the back of your router that lets you send data from computer to computer without an internet connection). This TechQuickie episode explains it well:
  10. More on this - Some wifi cards are designed to work well for reliability(AKA be able to deal with walls, trees, etc) and some are designed for high speeds in low obstruction zones(AKA They work really well if they don't have to deal with walls, trees, etc but they are very easy to block with such obstructions) Their are some other design choices that can be made(such as energy usage, heat dissipation,etc) so please tell us what you want from your new network card so we can give you the best recommendation.
  11. You may be thinking of clips taken for Camera reviews as well This one may have the clip you're thinking of with Max looking at the sky.