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  1. For noise you'll need to know the exact brand and model of 580 or 1660, since that's going to vary, and then try to find a review of the specific one.
  2. With star ratings most people are just going to vote 1 or 5 anyway, so it's not really helpful.
  3. I suggest being way more specific if you want any hope of change, modern is a very ambigious word. Are you talking about ui, missing functions, etc.
  4. Extra water in the reservoir has no actual use, in theory you could run without one (like an AIO does), having it just makes it easier to fill up the loop. That said you should still be worried if this is a symptom of something else, as mentioned by Dedayog.
  5. Let's say it's true you always have to wait two months for restocks. Then you'll still have the cpu for the same amount of time because you have to wait for the next one too, so it doesn't really make a difference. I suggest just taking time to enjoy what you have instead of being obsessed with having the latest and greatest.
  6. You can check it by adding stuff to cart, go to checkout, type your address etc. and it will show shipping cost before you have to pay.
  7. If anything mixing will give you more performance, it allows you to pick the best option for your budget for each part. If you go with same brand there's bound to be a part where they're not amongst the best in your price range, or at least you'll end up spending more money for nothing. If RGB matters you may need to keep to things that use the standard connections so the motherboard can control it all.
  8. Just check task manager and see, are you running close to 100% then yes it may help.
  9. If by buying a youtube account you mean youtube premium, then for seeing less ads it's a better deal because it affects all channels, where as in floatplane you pay per channel. But if you only watch LTT then cheapest plan on floatplane is about half of youtube premium (I believe youtube has regional prices, floatplane don't), making that the better deal if you don't care about 4k.
  10. You may be able to do some stuff in rust, but if you're making apps and websites your developers will need to know a few others langauges as well. I'd start by hiring some kind of CTO and have him help deciding these things, including what machines to buy. But to answer your question, from working on these things myself the bottleneck I run in to most often is memory, so get 32gb if you can. They can be spendy though so if you get 16 at least make sure they're upgradable. For CPU fast cores is helpful for running various tools they'd need, so anything last couple generations. Amount of cores matter mostly when compiling which if you're doing things right you will be spending very little time doing, so it doesn't matter too much. Then you have to decide if you're getting machines with big screen and good keyboard or using external ones, I'd always suggest the latter for ergonomics. And two screens does help with productivity (laptop could be the second).
  11. nvidia does more than buy the parts and put them together, there's so much more to it than the raw material cost. I don't disagree it's quite expensive, but the 4090 is the high high end, it IS intended for those who buy supercars or for businesses.
  12. I don't have any experience with that personally, but from a quick look on the site Jenkins pipeline should be able to do the same https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/
  13. You can do it the way you suggest, installing git on the server to pull the files, that'll make it a little easier. The better solution would be an automated script that does that automatically (and any other thing that may be needed, like building or updating database). You can look into github actions which can do deployment automatically every time you push to a specific branch or on demand. Specific hosting services also have their own versions of this, such as azure pipelines or AWS CodeDeploy.