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There's something almost beautifully melancholic about listening to Paul Joseph Watson talk about art:


Especially when he directly contradicts himself

PJW trying to start an intellectual discourse about art is almost cute.

  1. captain_to_fire


    I’d take Jordan Peterson over PJW who is Alex Jones’ bitch. 

  2. Volbet


    I don't know, man. 

    Both seems to have an unhealthy obsession with indescript movement, which both have artificially agreed to call "marxists, nihilists, SJWs and members of the Frankfurter School". Non of which seems to mean what they think they mean. 

    Especially since most of the core tenets of the Frankfurter School (as they pertain to art) are in agreement with both PJW and Jordan Peterson. 


    But I guess Jordan Peterson's Patreon will only grant you a personality test, while giving PJW and Alex Jones money will grant you food suppliments laced with lead.  
