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  1. When I moved from my gtx 760 to 780 it first started fine after I replaced it. After the next restart it would only allow 800 X 600 resolution. Then restarting once more fixed it and has been working fine since. So no you should not have to but it might be a good idea just in case.
  2. It's been fun to see you grow over the years. I watched one of your first NCIX "How to build A Pc" videos when it came out (earring and all) and you've taught me lot about technology and computers. I hope you continue to grow .
  3. As a future note, crashes on main menu before trying to load a save is usually either a missing master file (missing a .esm or .esp) or a corrupt UI.
  4. Generally its supported by the ENB. You could try any of the lighting overhauls (like realistic lighting overhaul) and see if any gets your desired effect. Or look into tweaking the ENB yourself.
  5. I believe creeperhost is meant for minecraft and has a free trial. Never tried it myself though.
  6. I'm pretty sure thats visual C. Go to the steam apps folder for Garry's mod and look for a Redist folder or something along those lines. Then run all the installers in that folder. If that fails download visual C from Microsoft's website.
  7. Darkest of days is an interesting story... If you can get past the extremely generic FPS gameplay.
  8. Skyrims physics don't work above 60fps. That's a problem you might be having. You could use either vsync or frame cap and see if that works.
  9. Probably not by much but there will be cheap used ones on the market.
  10. Copy them from steam/steamApps/common into the same location on grandmas (have to have steam installed) then start the installation in steam and it will discover existing files and then it should work.
  11. Try and take over as team leader. Constantly keep map awareness and tell your teammates (goes a long way) and you make the call for dragon or baron. When a teammate is doing bad encourage them but not negatively. Work on strategies your teammates can do. Ex: If your carrying tell a behind teammate to split push while you defend. Also you can take teleport to help with objectives. Many times players are willing if you just tell them what to do.
  12. I have only seen that done through enbs or .INI edits. NMM only edits the data files I think so the mod might be fake or have other install instructions with it.
  13. Why does sleeping dogs always get performance boosts from almost every patch it seems?