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About athos

  • Birthday Jan 13, 1991

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  1. athos

    Switch Case

    looks fine, tho the variable DAY needs to be filled with something to work properly Generally speaking its just another way to produce a if... else clause, wich can get confusing depending on how many if and else commands you have
  2. TotalBiscuit, Tragedy and Video Game Violence : My old history teacher always told us to take every bit of news we get with a grain of salt, he would always say: "Cui bono? Cui bono?" (who is profiting) Still makes me kinda sad that this video is still up to date with the media coverage.
  3. Yeah, i actually hope Fallout 4 (or whatever they will call it) will be next... And i hope they go back to their roots with some stuff... i wouldn't mind to read dialogue if npc's have more to say again, not just 3 or 4 topics Edit: with that i mean in the next TES of course
  4. As of right now i am using Windows 7 on my gaming rig, and both Ubuntu and Debian on my old Notebooks. I don't think there is a "best" OS as they all have pros and cons.
  5. I personally like to recommend Ubuntu or Mint because 1. they start you outfitted with a lot of things you need 2. they are the most used distros (according to distrowatch: http://distrowatch.com/index.php?language=DE), so chances for help are probably highest guess a reason for dual booting is trying out something new without the resources for a 2nd PC/Noteboo/whatever (at least that's how i started with Linux)
  6. I think it really doesn't matter, just flip a 3 sided coin or something! The basics are roughly the same and you shouldn't expect to pick the "perfect" language fromt he start, because that does not exist
  7. I think SpaghettiCarbonaras post is pretty accuarate. Being open to new stuff is also really helpful, like trying something completely different than you did before to get you out of you comfort zone (and expand it in that way) I haven't used Rocksmith before, but maybe try to learn a song without the help of it... or learn a song of a genre that you're not that into or sth. like that
  8. looks very nice, would be nice if you could upgrade the photos sometime