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  1. Ok I see, Well I increased the voltage by about 10% and undeclocked my gpu by 100mhz and got about 6 minutes in kombuster before a crash.
  2. Temps are good gpu in the low 70s cpu in the 60s under load. Thanks for your help though As far as something being physically broken- nothing looks broken- no bent pins and I can't find anything that might be causing a short.
  3. About two weeks ago my pc started crashing during games. It freezes and I am forced to turn it off manually. Then upon boot, my computer will turn on and off repeatedly only reving fans no splash screen. Usually it does boot, however as of late it keeps doing that until I reset the CMOS. So then it will boot sometimes it will run fine, other times as soon as I get to the desktop it'll blue screen. I looked up some of the error codes and they were due to corrupt drivers or hardware issues. So, somewhat drastically, I wiped my ssd and reinstalled win8. No dice the same problem occured during gaming or stress tests (kombustor). Checked my temps during a stress test, they were fine. Occasionally when I boot I'll get a bios error message about RAM(This has only appeared a couple times and only after the crashes started happening.) I ran memtest for quite a while and no errors were found on either stick. My PSU had problems previously so I figured perhaps the crashes occurred due to heavy load, I RMA'd it and the crashes continued. So here I am I think I've ruled out about everything but the mobo and my gpu. I should also mention that the crashes only started to occur after I moved my rig downstairs to use, something could have and probably did break at this point (if somethings broken) Thoughts? I5 4670k stock clocks msi 780 ti gaming edition also stock clocked 8gb kingston hyperx black EVGA supernova nex750b 750watt 80+ bronze asrock z87 extreme 4 Thanks in advance
  4. Firstly, those ratings are for the winter olympics which I can only assume are less popular than the summer olympics and secondly those ratings are only for one station in one country while the lol finals viewership is worldwide. Unless you're being sarcastic which you probably are then ignore what I just said. Anyways, I don't have a problem with e-sports/mlg/competitve gaming in general, but it should be separated from other mainstream physical sports. I can't see why anyone who's a viewer of either would want to be affiliated with the other. E-sports really have nothing to gain with being affiliated with sports or ESPN or anything like that and vise versa, It's fine how it is now. ESPN shouldn't be airing e-sports (on cable, with streaming they can do whatever they want), the ratings would be abysmal and any fan of e-sports is competent enough to go on twitch or youtube and watch them their.
  5. Was looking at this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005MEDD80/ref=gno_cart_title_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER However I only have a 250watt psu while it recomends 300. Will I be safe?
  6. So I'm converting an old dell pc into an htpc. All is well except for the fact that there is no hdmi output nor digital audio output. So I'm looking for a video card that's as cheap as possible. and has an hdmi output that supports audio over hdmi. I don't care at all about performance, however I'd like it to be quiet. Any suggestions?
  7. My favorite aspect of the G3 is the overall design of the phone. I think it looks fantastic.
  8. I'm looking for something that's relatively inexpensive, light, and with a discrete gpu. http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/model-datasheet/NX.MB5AA.005 Seems like at the moment this and a 250gb mSata ssd is my best bet. It's $840 on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Acer-V7-482PG-6629-14-Inch-Touchscreen-Ultrabook/dp/B00F9VXQDI What do you guys think about this? I can't really find to many reviews on this besides a similar model on anandtech. Are there any alternatives?