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  1. You should use dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier, if you're not already. Performance shouldn't be that bad with 100 annotations. If you have a lot then you can conditionally render the icons based on the region that the user is viewing or by grouping them as the user zooms out (like with MKClusterAnnotation). Can't comment on MapKit performance since I haven't really used it.
  2. Arrowhead devs have stated that the anti-cheat is only active while the game is running. I'm pretty sure this is the case with EAC and BattleEye as well. Yeah, they add another attack vector that can be exploited.. but so does everything you install on your computer
  3. It doesn't continue running after you exit the game. I don't really see it differently from any other anticheat like EAC or BattleEye
  4. set external and local port to 25565 (or whatever port you have in the server properties file), leave source ip blank, set local ip to the local ip of the machine the server is running on
  5. decided to pick up the 7700x bundle since it dropped to $449 - https://www.microcenter.com/product/5006269/amd-ryzen-7-7700x,-msi-b650-p-pro-wifi,-gskill-flare-x5-series-32gb-ddr5-6000-kit,-computer-build-combo
  6. Improvement in 1% lows would be nice (like above). Hogwarts Legacy is probably the newest game I've played and it stutters pretty badly. I know that's game-specific but it seems like a lot of new releases tend to have performance problems, which is worse on older hardware. Also, I get a lot of reprojection in VR which is annoying sometimes.
  7. Yeah, the price difference makes it an interesting option. Will think about that as well.
  8. In the past, I have kept my CPU for 5/6 years before upgrading. I don't really know if I would need to upgrade my CPU again before AM5 is no longer supported. So that 13700k combo does seem like a good option (minus its higher power consumption )
  9. Looking to upgrade from an 8700k, mainly just for gaming. I was leaning towards AM5 since Microcenter seems to have some decent combos: https://www.microcenter.com/category/4294833320/computer-build-combos, but I wasn't sure if it would be better to pick up a 7800x3d instead (or if RAM from those combos is actually good) Budget (including currency): Don't really have a budget but would like to keep it reasonable Country: US Games, programs or workloads that it will be used for: CS:GO / AAA games / VR Other details (existing parts lists, whether any peripherals are needed, what you're upgrading from, when you're going to buy, what resolution and refresh rate you want to play at, etc): - My main monitor is 1440p 144hz, and I have 2 others that are 1440p 60hz. - Keeping my existing GPU (rtx 3080) - Will reuse my PSU (850w) if I am able to, not opposed to buying a new one though. I might want to keep my current build in one piece. - Reusing 3 drives for storage but will buy a new SSD for OS
  10. Your weather array is empty. Initializing it using [Weather]() creates an array with 0 elements. So trying to index into it will crash your app. instead of `self.weather[0] = gotWeather` (which will give you an index out of range exception), you can use either: self.weather.insert(gotWeather, at: 0) // or this self.weather.append(gotWeather)
  11. You could read an environment variable to do conditional imports: import os if os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT') == 'dev': import x else: import y # in this case, ENVIRONMENT=dev would only be set on your local machine
  12. If you can provide a sample input and expected output that would be helpful
  13. you could put the actual sheet link in an iframe with only view permissions. Or you could have one sheet with the headers and another with the data, then publish the two sheets separately and put the header sheet above the other one in the web page
  14. The nearbysearch API will return only 20 results per page and up to 60 results total (3 pages). See here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/search-nearby#PlaceSearchPaging. You may need to add a delay between calls to the API with the page token.
  15. In the past i've had to allow incoming connections for the java exe that the minecraft server jar file is launching from. For my router I need to leave the incoming port as blank (or any), does it work if you don't specify any incoming port?