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  1. what about using g4560 and if theres one, a cheaper mb, would that bring the overall price down and even let me put a cpu cooler like noctua or c7 uve mentioned? if its a bottleneck for gpu and even for web surfing, i guess i have no choice.
  2. Jacey

    portable monitor?

    well 27 is what ive used and was satisfied with but i can go as low as 19inch foe portability.
  3. looks pretty darn decent build to me. btw man that mb is expensive.. i sure did know itx aint cheap but.. lol so with this build im using amds bundle cooler right?
  4. kinda thinking of both. i mean even if the case has a handle ill still put it in a big bag to protect the case.. right? or not idk. anyway do u think prodigy is better choice over tu100?
  5. after researching im leaning towards lianli pc tu100 but are there other options? the reason is because i expect lot of movings
  6. is there a monitor that is portable or easy to pack and go with my itx case? bigger screen is better
  7. i hope thats the case, if not then i have no choice than to go for a portable itx case along with monitor and keyboard etc.. bte u cpus with ssd also had bits of lag and freeze.
  8. 7700hq cpu and i experience lags and freezing while web surfing or basic tasks. is this due to the shitty hdd? replacing to ssd will completely solve these problems?
  9. I need a build for lianli pc tu100 itx case. First off I live in Canada and planning to spend about 1000CAD for 1050ti,1060 build. I have no knowledge in itx components and whether they are suitable for light gaming (mostly overwatch) so a bit of info on that will be welcome as well. I have 4790k on my main, so atleast for searching web or basic tasks i expect the same peformance as that and dont want those little lags and freezing that quite often happens in laptops. Besides that, the lowest noise and heat is prioritized. i will recycle the ssd.
  10. well the components inside are outdated and prob shit so if only the monitor is decent, ill recycle it; search that diy channel which others have mentioned for howtodo.
  11. i dont give a f to this report, but what does matter is ur eyes and bad posture, and gamers tend to not exercise, which are obvioisly more serious problems related to ur health.
  12. ive seen some reviews about it, the spec seems to bring it down. also in my opinion its sort of pointless if ur gonna carry a keyboard with it. see if ipad suits ur needs.
  13. i didnt know you can use battery packs on laptops except few samsungs models. ill def need to check whether all laptops with usb c could do that.
  14. umhmm def something to expect from someone who posts 3000 in computer forumss.. hehe
  15. a gaming laptop which isnt alienware? or a desktop? is it too hard to understand