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  1. I won't quote anything other than a quick news article to support, but even with their large decline YoY, their Mac line is still a $26 Billion (BILLION) business. Edit: Forgot link - https://www.thestreet.com/apple/other-products/apple-stock-mac-revenue-down-by-34-whats-next
  2. If it's not officially supported and you've physically tried it and it doesn't work, then my money is on that it doesn't work. I'd be hesitant to flash a custom bios and risk bricking it entirely.
  3. Summary BMW in 2020 thought they could place hardware in cars and then, as they claim, on an as-needed or continual basis you could pay for a subscription service to enable your seat heaters. Now, while they claim that the customer isn’t paying twice, the initial cost would have to be baked in somewhere right? They still intend to continue offering software based subscriptions, but not any relating to hardware. Quotes My thoughts This was a dumb idea to begin with. I could maybe, MAYBE, see if it was a one-time fee to activate them if you didn’t necessarily pay for them at purchase, but a consistent sub? That’s just silly. Sources https://www.forbes.com/sites/alistaircharlton/2023/09/07/bmw-drops-controversial-heated-seats-subscription-to-refocus-on-software-services/
  4. This isn’t your job to be transparent for them. It’s their onus to be transparent to their community. Edit: furthering this. They’ve spent weeks and months and years on their SOPs. They’re developing more. You’re not privy to their internal discussions/communications/decisions
  5. https://linustechtips.com/forum/88-laptops-and-pre-built-systems/ Probably should take a look or pose your question here.
  6. It already is? You mentioned this in the other thread, but there is no mainline LTT Content that day other than WAN Show. They tried Sponsored Showcases pre-Pandemic, but that seemingly morphed into Short Circuit
  7. They already do that though? There's no main channel content on Friday's other than WAN? Every once in a while before the Pandemic they tried out the Friday showcases, but then that sort of morphed into Short Circuit.
  8. I think I hit send right as I was going to sleep. I derped
  9. Summary Twitter user @spiceywasabi discovered that you can brute force an RTMP link out of Eufy cameras. He also posted that Eufy tried to patch the information that can lead to the brute force but noted it’s only trying to mask the information in Web Inspector, not actually do anything about the leak. Quotes My thoughts What seemingly was a bad week last week for Eufy seems to have gotten much worse. It makes me glad that I don’t own any of these Security Swiss cheese cameras. Anker themselves, who have usually been trustworthy for their Hardware, seems to have fallen majorly, majorly short with their subsidiary. Sources https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/12/more-eufy-camera-flaws-found-including-remote-unencrypted-feed-viewing/
  10. Unsure of their sticker making process but they’ve mentioned on WAN Show quite a few times that Luke and the Floatplane staff built a custom inventory system (or are working on it?)
  11. Videos still get posted there everyday? Minus this one apparently
  12. Why wasn't this on Floatplane (or at least the forum part)?
  13. Cheap SSD (120 GB) and another stick of ram would make it alright
  14. I love my Behringer Truth 2031A. Big and beefy. They're "Studio monitors" but not the greatest in their high end response. But they'll bring the house down for most anything I throw at them. Back them into a USB audio interface and you'll be great.