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Everything posted by a7mddiaa

  1. hey a quick update ******************************** i got it working on windows but i can install shadowsocks plugins on mac anyone know how to do it ?
  2. I got a friend able to do it he told me using shadowsocks simple-obfs but that seems complicated so am asking if there is a simple way
  3. No not speed it’s quota if u visit certain sites u get counted as 0.5 those include facebook YouTube etc
  4. my data plan gives 2x mb for some sites so is there an easy way to make all sites look like they are facebook for exampple to the carrier? i know shadowsocks obfs is an option but tried to get it to work and failed so what are the easy options?
  5. i stopped being a fan of their hardware but still their software is the best Mac os is better than windows in everyway for my personal use and for most people (except gamers) and is much more stable , i am using a hackintosh and still have less problems than i do with windows installed ios is for me alot better than android but i haven't used a high end android phone in the last 3 years so i can not judge being more stable or not or faster or not but their iphone / ipad line is very good now imo (not looking at prices which r fucking ridiculous)
  6. i gott all thsoe ids what do i do with them
  7. m.yurizaki stated some easything but if you want to make alot of money you have to work so maybe learn graphics design or front-end web dev it would take a couple months to be good at but then you can get more than 1500
  8. HI . so am stuck on setting up a vpn called Streisand am stuck here : https://github.com/StreisandEffect/streisand/blob/master/documentation/AZURE.md in the credentials step idk what to do can any one help pls
  9. lol and Microsoft would make the perfect browser XD
  10. but why would you want to use this over google chrome or firefox
  11. try posting this ti tonymacx86 cause i dont think alot of people here know alot about hackintosh
  12. but am thinking maybe i could get a slower , cheaper wifi and get a 25 gb pack for normal use except youtube and use wifi for youtube and downloads and updates
  13. and am not uploading one specific file i upload lots of small files and i need it for general internet use
  14. am in egypt my lines are copper not optical fibre vodafone 4g here i would say avg maybe 15 up and down but varies alot depending on the time orange has 60 mbps and more but their 4g coverage is less than vodafone alot
  15. is there anyway that i can use my ethernet port on mac for downloads and a usb hotspot from iphone for uploads? the reason i want to do it is my adsl down / up is 9 / 0.8 and my 4g's upload is usually more than 10 but its limited so i dont want to use it for downloads is there any way i can do it ?
  16. i didnt read the whole thing but from what i understand try using your ps only for a month if you dont feel missing pc gaming then ye move to ps
  17. depends on the game games like ow , cs go , fortnite will probably be able to run fine at medium settings but demanding games such as shadow of the tomb raider or anything like it wont run smoothly
  18. -iphone 7 -airpods i enjoy the iphone but i think now the oneplus is alot better for little more money and the airpods ... meh they are good but are they worth 160$ not sure
  19. if you already have a pc with intel cpu and amd gpu chances are it can run mac os (hackintosh) once you set it up it runs ok 99% of the time
  20. when i connect my airpods to windows and start using the mic they just stop(external mic not theirs since this is another known problem) what can i do to prevent this? they work ok on mac os or should i just buy another headset like arctis 7 to get better windows support (but worst with phone)