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Everything posted by lefudgelover666

  1. Sort of have an emergency trip I have to take tomorrow but I don't have a backpack for my Alienware 18, would it be weird to take it to Best buy or office Depot to test fit any of the 17-17.3 bags?
  2. You need to take total lag time into comparison not just panel response time, here's an image of my personal monitor, the Alienware AW3418DW being compared to other monitors in terms of total lag time, even though the 278Q is a 1ms panel the 4ms 279Q will actually outperform it because it has less total lag time
  3. theyre both the exact same refresh rate
  4. also check out the Acer XB271HU bmiprz, its the same panel as the PG279Q in a different enclosure, to me more attractive but that is subjective, its slightly cheaper and has the slimmer bezel https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824106004
  5. the 278Q is a good tn panel, but its outclassed in color reproduction and viewing angles by the 279Q, the only time in which id say take the TN panel is if you cant afford the ips
  6. keep in mind that the 27" claims it has DELL HDR, which isnt real HDR, just dells saturation mode, the Ultrasharp is a higher end panel and due to being a bit smaller will have the crisper image
  7. its not really necessary to go that far, just delete the program files for anything wonky and reinstall
  8. According to eBay I should be able to get around $1500 for it parted out, would this be a good idea? Does a current $13-1500 laptop outperform 880m SLI? And are there any laptops in that range with HDMI IN?
  9. Wouldn't that require thunderbolt? Or is there another way to use an egpu?
  10. Where can I find a new battery? As for thermals do you think TG Conductonaut would help on a laptop? I have a ton left over from my 6700k Its 1080p, haven't checked the refresh rate but it's a glossy IPS which I like
  11. Correction, it's an i7 4910MQ, will this thing still handle games well? I'm installing Skyrim atm
  12. I think thread is pretty much single colored ATM although I wouldn't be against some RGB boxers
  13. So about 20 minutes ago I jumped on an Alienware 18, the specs are i7-4710MQ 16GB 1866DDR3 512GB SSD 1TB HDD GTX 880M SLI I paid $450, was this a good buy? I'm kind of clueless as to how older laptops hold up
  14. i second the used i7, a 3770k and 1070 goes a long way
  15. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/wRg2pb $20 over budget but better balanced when it comes to storage and graphics
  16. aesthetically or to build in? to build in probably the H440, aesthetically the Cougar Conquer or the Inwin Tou 2.0
  17. LTT has tested it, unless you're going customer loop with high end silent pumps and fans, an aio is anything but silent
  18. 1x 34" 3440x1440 120hz IPS G-Sync Alienware AW3418DW 1x 24.5" 1920x1080 240hz TN G-Sync Alienware AW2518H my babies
  19. after getting used to 240 with my Alienware AW2518H i would take the lower res 240 in a heartbeat
  20. the LG is only 1080p, which is why its 144hz, if you want a 1440p ips panel with over 100hz your only option is the Alienware AW3418DW, i went from the asus to the alienware and ive never looked back, its a step up in every way but it is expensive, although it currently is on sale which id recommend
  21. after an overclock the 1070ti should match the 1080 to a t, however i think a higher resolution monitor would be a better investment since 1080p is sort of a slap in the face to either, a 1440p 144hz monitor with a 1070ti would be better since 1080p is more in the realm of the 1060
  22. I know this has been answered but here's a visual comparison, the 29" is essentially a 23" 16x9 panel with a bit of extra length, the 34" is a 27" 16:9 display with extra length
  23. im pretty sure getintopc has the downloads for free