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D Levy

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  1. But think about your legacy, living trusts, etc etc Think bigger, your $1K in bitcoin now might be worth a fortune in 5 years. Don't be like that one guy who threw out his hard drive.
  2. Not really, You'd be more secure to put your info through your own cipher like you see the spies do in spy movies, and etch your encrypted info onto a reinforced carbon brick of some kind (the idea is to use something with an extremely high melting point that won't corrode or oxidize easy).. repeat for each key.. hopefully you have a 2 of 4 setup or better. Place each set of two keys into separate safety deposit boxes. This way you physically have to take your laptop to your safety deposit box in the bank to do a withdraw. These concepts are in the glacier protocol. Look it up, it's a great read
  3. We can agree to disagree, it's called negligence. If any of you are YouTubers and don't feel any responsibility to correct misinformation in one of your videos which caused a portion of your fans loss... then something is wrong with you. If it were me I'd feel terrible and post a pinned apology comment or video like most YouTubers do when shit like this happens and their fans ate the bullet along with you. I'm willing to bet LMG had money stolen too since they were mining with that beefy machine probably for a while before releasing that video. We've all lost so stop being dickheads about it. I've not seen one reply yet that was like "yea I lost my nicehash wallet balance too". If you're not one of those people, then why are you arguing?
  4. Your being one sided if you think thousands of people didn't immediately try nicehash after seeing Linus' video about it. A big disclaimer and a heads up about immediately withdrawing the nicehash wallet would have been a huge help. I didn't know that if Nicehash got hacked that all nicehash wallets would be compromised, each account is it's own address and needs a key to withdraw. And each transaction takes time to process. The logistics of something like this happening is insane. @Gikero I was being facetious and something else.. not sure the word.. but if you were to add Kidding on the square + sarcasm + some resentment for not presenting a full picture of the risks in using something like Nicehash ..... that wraps up that "thanks" in the title. And thank you for the condolence, really appreciate that. This sucks. To the rest: I read about Exchanges being hacked, so I knew never to leave my coin in an exchange but rather an actual wallet, but considering the nicehash wallet is a wallet, I figured it'd be safe to accumulate until it made sense to withdraw due to the fees to withdraw. I DID research, not one place online I found said anything about the risk with using nicehash as a SELLER. As a buyer, I've read they're scams mostly.. except for nicehash which blog posts supported as one of the least scammy ones. So don't give me shit people about not reading or researching. And yes, Being an INFLUENCER, Linus could have given us SAFETY TIPS in addition to the suggestion to using Nice Hash. There is some community responsibility there to inform, be a good samaritan. And I'm not the only LTT subscriber who's had money stolen with this. I wonder how many of them use this forum.
  5. Thanks Linus You should have taught us to mine directly in pools instead of teaching us to sell hash power with Nicehash. I was about to withdraw $400 in bitcoin from my nicehash wallet this weekend. And now I'm stuck with the power bill and loss of time because either nicehash is lying and pulling a highly unethical exit strategy or some hacker(s) made off with 62.6 MILLION in bitcoin. Here's the reddit post I'm... I'm really pissed... not at Linus, but at myself for not pulling my bitcoin out in time.. and I hope whoever did this.. gets the karma that's coming to them and then some.
  6. I think that has a lot to do with the current average level of emotional intelligence, apart from the Dunning–Kruger effect which imo is just rampant in online interactions right now in what seems like every age demographic... the average IQ may or may not be improving with technical aspect or problem solving... but emotional IQ is not something that's currently tested for in standardized IQ tests. And generally the skills to be to handle emotional stress are not taught in most circular programs. In recent years we did the WORST possible thing to try to handle that in handing out "participation trophies".... which completely devalued hard work and true competition among peers to improve. That also gets rid of a situation where one can learn how to handle emotional stress. EG.. say you train your butt off for something... and you fail.. you then feel symptoms of depression and frustration... now that you FEEL that.. you can then LEARN to cope. This is where your parents or teachers come in to explain/teach you how to healthily cope. Ever talk with anyone from the "responsibles" age? This was before baby boomers. The general emotional intelligence that generation had with coping with stress was amazing. Humanity seems to me to be declining in that ability in general since then. Not everyone, just in general. Alright so full circle... bring this back to how people handle online interaction and IRL discussions. The ability to keep your emotions entirely in check and look at a situation from an objective and humble point of view, that's a level of emotional intelligence that is no longer common. And this is part of why we have the social interaction problems we have today.
  7. Hey just some info. So the FCC chairmen thinks this: That ISP should be a "free market' Okay... Economics 101.... Barrier to entry in market. When barrier to entry is so high, only massive companies can dare try to enter, that means it's NOT a free market. It's called an oligopoly market. Something we learn about in nearly every USA undergrad degree program. As an oligopoly market, it's not possible to have enough providers for which customers can make the best economic choice so providers will be forced to give the most value to customers in order to stay in business. A true free market is say.. I open a lemonaid stand.. and you open a lemonaid stand.. and joe blow down the street opens a lemonade stand.. and customers can choose whichever lemonade stand they want... and if they're not happy with the selections.. they can easily open their own lemonade stand. That's not possible with ISP service until technology DRAMATICALLY improves.. where you can connect to a LEC (look it up) Local Exchange Carrier and offer connections through your network into the LEC. And see how much it would cost you to connect to a LEC... it's VERY expensive. To make it make sense, you would need a sufficient amount of customers to make a profit and hope they all don't use a tremendous amount of bandwidth or you're screwed on quality of service you can provide. Lastly, for this FCC chairman to have this point of view, I really think he needs to get investigated for corruption. So what I did, I called as many as my congressmen and congresswoman and informed them of the above point and also asked them to investigate the FCC chairman for corruption.
  8. Could you link the active thread please? if there's only one thread allowed, I'd like to post there some info.
  9. My response wasn't me acting "like a cunt or panties in a bunch" lol It's a fact, I mean I don't have anything against people who want ISPs to do whatever they want.. I think it's unrealistic to expect ISPs who are self regulated to be honorable and do what's best for the customer. But apart from that, the free market argument doesn't work in oligopoly markets. This is something we learn in economy classes in college for our undergrad degrees. edit: that's all I'll say about it in this thread. lol
  10. See that right there... free market is not possible when barriers to entry are so incredibly high. Research how much it would be to start your own non-wifi/non-wireless broadband based ISP.
  11. I don't know a single fellow nerd that's for getting rid of NN... so not sure where the polarization is from or about?
  12. I was replying with information on a net neutrality thread someone made a few moments ago. And it was removed before my reply posted. Seen a couple other net neutrality threads which magically disappeared. This is a hot topic that affects Canada too... What happens in USA will trickle out to many other countries concerning this in the long run. Preventing the conversation doesn't make sense. Ivan would NOT support this censorship!
  13. 1. WRONG 2. WRONG Learn what you're talking about before posting. I AM making money NOW with multiple 980tis, including deducting costs for power. And that's "Buy a 1080ti" statement is even more dumb. AIO + GPU backer per GPU is no more than $140 each. $280 vs spending $800 when 980tis are still mining equihash at ~500 H/s each is stupid. And before you comment on 500 h/s is low, learn about hash rates and how they're different per algorithm. #triggered For anyone else.. this old thread would have been helpful if kept active There's NZXT Kraken G10 NZXT Kraken G12 Corsair Hydro Series HG10 N980 The corsair has a ton of really bad reviews consistently about contact issues between pump and GPU. For AIO H80i v2 is one of the best 120m rad aio solutions. The problem is finding confirmation that H80i v2 works with NZXT G10 and/or G12. Both are not listed as supporting H80i v2 (maybe because it's better than any of their 120m rad AIOs?) on the NZXT website.
  14. Hi, I have two 980ti's that when mining get waaaay too hot. They're gigabyte gaming G1 980tis. I'm trying to find an AIO solution for them, one I don't have to worry about water levels and such. These are no longer available https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Hybrid-GeForce-Cooling-400-HY-0996-B1/dp/B00ZQ4PFX2 And I need to buy something asap. I've read that any corsair CPU cooler works but I haven't been able to validate this. Any recommendations? Thank you
  15. Mine ETH, use a hybrid program to mine it with. Don't just mine any ALT coin like previous suggestion. DO research, pick one that's headquartered in Switzerland's Crypto Valley. ASIC mining options may or may not help anymore, do lots of research.