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Thank you Rockstar for putting lootboxes in a more understandable prospective for the politicans of the world. 

  1. ARikozuM


    Let's hope the gov't looks at it for what it is. 




    Also, if you get banned from online, regardless of reason, you should get a refund on everything you've purchased

  2. TopHatProductions115


    @ARikozuM What about IRL, when someone gets banned from a store or restaurant? Can they get refunds for what they purchased before the ban? If it's only for those using automated systems (and no one checks behind it to make sure the bot's not screwing up), sure. But if there's a person behind the banning decision, I say not...

  3. ARikozuM




    Digital goods don't cost any material for their use and R* is scaling their updates to cost more and more. The restaurant can't magically get that pot roast back after banning a patron. A better choice would be if Toyota took access to your car because you modded it. And they did it without proper diligence.


    Some people are getting banned from Online because another user modded in extra millions. 


    I did. Luckily they unbanned me after a week of going back and forth. 


    When you're banned from Online, you don't retain the ability to make a private lobby nor go in with friends. You're blocked entirely from accessing the features. 

  4. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon


    when someone gets banned from a store or restaurant? Can they get refunds for what they purchased before the ban? 

    Food gets consumed and converted to fuel in the human body. 

    Generally things purchased in stores are still useful even after you are noy allowed in the store. 


    If it's only for those using automated systems (and no one checks behind it to make sure the bot's not screwing up), sure. But if there's a person behind the banning decision, I say not...

    I think that's @ARikozuM's concern.  Ban a "whale" and have them have to repurchase everything again.  While it seems ridiculous, so does an actual casino in a video game that's rated only M.
