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This post is an update in regards to this.



I found a seller on Amazon who doesn't have sales tax, while my particular state doesn't have sales tax, Savege's does.  I was going to wait mid month to get the CPU for her, but the seller only had one 1900x left in stock.


I decided to just test my spare x399 motherboard to make sure that it's working. 



Looks fine to me, I just wanted to make sure.

Oh also, there have been a couple of people who DMed me asking if I would buy them PC components, to the two of you who asked, I have only two words.  Fuck off.  While I consider myself to be very generous, Savage is a friend of mine, I'm not going to buy strangers stuff.

  1. TVwazhere



    Oh also, there have been a couple of people who DMed me asking if I would buy them PC components

    Pandering, begging and asking for free stuff is not allowed on the forums. Users who receive messages like this can report DM's just as they can report comments in threads.

  2. Skanky Sylveon

    Skanky Sylveon

    @TVwazhere If it continues I'll report it, but I think they got the message. 
