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  1. Creators can also edit the text of the auto generated subtitles. It's how I used Youtube as a free transcription service for recorded lectures.
  2. If the one man show that is Technology Connections can have proper subtitles I don't know why LTT can't, especially when most of their stuff is scripted.
  3. Maybe they are? Alex says a "Cinebench run" and the subtitles says "a cinnamon Tron" at 15:52
  4. Also at 14:00 Alex says "It might be easier to spoof the signal" and the subtitle says "it might be easier to spook the signal" 15:08: Alex says "Willy" not "Belly" I don't believe they are, if they were it would be have been indicated. See the toast notifications between a random YouTube video and Linus. The black subtitles go away when there's the stylized subtitles.
  5. I don't know if they make changes after the fact, but at at 4:23 Brian says "it's actually soldering to the vice" but the title says "it's actually solded to the pipe" which doesn't make much sense as that's what they wanted.
  6. Basically anyone who works with software from an engineering/technical perspective. Not even necessarily in programming, but reading and parsing a text file for example. Try opening a 100MB log file in sublime, I'll wait. You and the other users here are introducing a selective bias. Just because your or your peers don't use it, doesn't mean it's not nessacary, Want an example? Look at Linus blowing away his desktop environment. He still had a command line to interface with the operating system and could have potentially fixed the problem without doing a reinstall. Any linux administrator is using a CLI. There's billions of people in this world, you have your friends are not a sufficient sample size. If you don't use it, it's not for you and don't worry about it. Your question about percentiles is disgenuine because you assume someone cared enough prior to this discussion to survey people using a CLI. GUI's and CLI's all have their place in this world and may exist in harmony. GUI's are for the enduser, GUI's lie and can takeup unnecessary resources. Everything you use in a GUI is just a CLI wrapped in pretty pictures. Linux is configured in textfiles, you don't need a GUI for textfile editing. VI if you like doing things the hard way, or nano if you love yourself.
  7. Yes, so I don't understand why you're looking to upgrade your headphones. They're pretty good already for Bluetooth headsets. If you're looking to drop money on headphones look at wired. Upgrading every 2 year is a fallacy perpetuated by the mobile industry.
  8. The difference is 2 speakers. In this image each red square represents a speaker. You have see the 7.1 had 2 additional front facing.
  9. No. MKBHD put it succinctly when he called them "luxury listening". You can only squeeze so much out of Bluetooth, there is diminishing returns when getting Airpod Max. I would just get XM4's if you want to upgrade.
  10. That's fair, they do make for okay meal time videos. My wishlist just consists of "depth similar to gamer nexus, but more entertaining"
  11. I agree, I remember they had a Dell Switch and Linus wanted to install a GUI on it and it was never spoken of again. He has a massive CNC shop now and so far all they've made is his desk and a pyramid case.
  12. Thats the thing, I'm not entry to a lot of tech and that's why I'm feeling less thrilled with the videos. I get the entertainment perspective and know he has a large demographic of kids, but maybe they could be more "tech tips". To their credit they did explain jitter, but the cable testing video could have shown them actually testing a few?
  13. I just watched the Cable testing video and the "Check out my HUGE Rack! - New House Network Update" video. They both could have been a tweet or two basically. The Network video was "I got a pink server rack" and "I got these new ubiquiti equiptment" but he didn't actually discuss any of the actual tech here. The networking video didn't really discuss any of the setup, inside it was just "yeah I got a NVR, and like 86 network devices". Like I don't mean to be a "hater" and I'm not coming here to shit all over the folks at Linus Media Group but the videos are feeling like a waste of time, they could honestly be half as long.