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  1. I go by what I see. Sorry if that bothers you.
  2. Apparently what I saw and you saw were two different things. His reaction was shock and awkwardness. Maybe after reflecting on it, he thought otherwise, but his immediate reaction was telling. It's odd that people can't think beyond their own bias, and realize what's directly in front of them..
  3. Of him being egotistical? Yes. The rest I believe to be true.
  4. Are you always part of the herd? Learn the behavior of your own species before you blindly defend them..
  5. He HAS to say that. To think he would say otherwise to his boss is just wrong. Actions speak louder than words. His reaction to what Linus said, said it all. I've watched LTT for years. I've seen Linus' ego skyrocket.
  6. You're an ass, and you keep proving it. Your ego needs a check. As for the "Riley had to check the timestamps," he was CLEARLY upset about it..
  7. Having different versions of websites for the US, and other countries, and the EU, just shows how shady these companies are. "We're not gonna track consumers in the EU, but in those other countries, you're data is ours, because the law says we can have it.."
  8. I'm selling my Z97 Maximus VII Formula and a 4790K if you're in the upstate NY area.
  9. They already got your subscription money. Less effort is beneficial to them..
  10. You planning to pay $800-$1000 for a cpu, plus even more for a X399 MB? All these, "should I wait" threads, like the prices are similar or something..
  11. I’ve seen quite a few reviews from customers having trouble with anything other than the “gaming mode” in their software. OC Mode not working, etc.
  12. iCX temp sensors are added for power and memory temps in addition to just the gpu.