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Twitter is getting a little out of hand with it's censorship...

  1. ARikozuM


    Yep. They shadowbanned Sunrise Movement earlier this week along with Jacobin. They want the corporatist to win. 

  2. dizmo


    lol I had to look that up. They also banned a high up CBP official for stating how the border wall has been effective.

    I used to think that these companies were their own entities and didn't deserve scrutiny for what's on their platform; it's theirs, they make the decisions.

    However, I'm really starting to agree more with Rogan's stance, that they're more of a town square, and banning people gives far too much control to steer the narrative of an entire country.

  3. dizmo


    @ARikozuM I just noticed your pic 😂 I've honestly never seen a time when the choice for president has been so shit.

  4. ARikozuM


    The left position (true leftist, not neoliberal) is that if it's a "social media" platform it is a public square and no one can remove you for being loud or saying the wrong thing. Now you could get canceled because that is the market or society speaking, not the gov't.


    The centrist position is that they could become publishers where they will have to scrutinize every tweet and be legally liable for its contents. 
