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Mr Bacon

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  1. That's all there is to it in my mind. With as much of a monopoly as they have in the industry right now, yea government oversight for now. I'd really rather things changed on the back end so they have more competition. Government oversight wouldn't be needed if new ISPs were allowed to flourish, but with the way things are now that's pretty much impossible. And I haven't seen a shred of evidence that suggests Net Neutrality negatively impacts progress for ISPs. The only thing it prevents them from doing is turning the internet in cable tv.
  2. never mind. Should've waiting for the whole stream to finish
  3. I haven't looked, but I think more what they're saying is this is the first wireless mechanical keyboard that's targeted at gamers and is actually usable for gamers. On a side note. I'm really curious about what they're using for communication. I remember reading about passive wifi sometime ago. Seems like it fits the bill here.
  4. Thanks, going to give that a read in a minute. The part where I lost you. I was saying that you can't use a DAC on an aux port because the aux port already sends out in analog. Because an external DAC would need a digital source in order to do the converting, right? Or am I misunderstanding?
  5. Seems weird to me. If you buy a car with 5+ year loan you don't expect the manufacturer to cover repairs when it goes past the 3 year warranty. If it's a common issue though, I'd say that's a bit different, but the case the lawyer is making doesn't make sense to me.
  6. @suicidalfranco I'm feeling a bit renewed today so I'll try to hit on a couple things that I feel somewhat comfortable in knowledge with. I feel like I'm getting attacked a bit on the whole RGB thing. It was just a simple example of communication OK? Doesn't mean thats what they HAVE TO DO. Also, I'd like to see a source somewhere saying that Apple's internal DACs are worse than other phones. I'm honestly curious about that. As I understood it, the entire point of passing audio through the lightning port is that the audio came out as digital so an external DAC could be used instead of what would be put inside the phone. The Aux port would already come out as Analog, no? So a DAC couldn't be used to any effect outside of the phone, correct?
  7. Well, the thing I've learned in the past 10 years of forums is that if you just state what you think neutrally you get a very bland or non-existent response. Sometimes you have to state what you think without having all the facts in order to have a meaningful discussion. Although in this case I don't know what I don't know, so that doesn't help. I thought Aux was a very common name for 3.5mm jack? I've seen 3.5mm jacks labeled as aux in cars before and I known I've seen it referenced that way elsewhere. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding there though. I said earlier that it would've been better if they had switched to USB-C. I don't disagree with you there. You're ignoring all of the, at the very least, semi reasonable things that make lightning more preferable. It's not ALL bad, but you're acting like it is, which makes me less inclined to agree with you. You also conveniently ignored the part where I said other manufacturers are starting to go away from 3.5mm. I would love to hear an explanation for that. As for your last sentence. To be clear, no one is necessarily forcing anyone to shift. You can still use adapters if you prefer. It's up to the consumer if they want lightning based headphones. Neither you or I understand the market well enough to be able to say for certain which way it will go.
  8. @suicidalfranco & @LAwLz okay really guys. I found ONE article that yes, has some flaws, but it had valid points I thought. I'm having to have a discussion between multiple people. It's like 5 on 1 in here. I get that Lightning is unpopular and that Aux could work still. If someone can point me to an article or something that can give me a rundown on why lightning is garbage and we need the aux master race to return I'd be more than happy to read it and agree. I'm not going to keep going back and forth arguing point by point because I honestly don't have enough detailed knowledge and it's getting annoying having every single detail of my arguments torn apart with no acknowledgement of any possibilty of something making sense. I just don't understand. If everyone hates it so much. Why did Apple do it and why are other phone manufacturers beginning to follow suit? There has to be a real, sensible reason. Companies that big don't do something that rash without cause. I'm trying to make sense of the chaos, but everyone seems hell bent on dismissing any possibilities. White flag. I give. I should've known better.
  9. Do not turn the PSU on. You can achieve the same effect by holding on to your computer case for a few seconds every now and then. Another tip is to avoid working a static prone workspace. Such as avoid building on carpet. Hard floors are better. Wear shoes instead of walking around in socks. All simple precautions you can take. The sure fire way though is one of those ESD wrist straps that can be clipped to your case.
  10. Yea, but they do have a lightning port so they could use lightning based headphones. I realize that's insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I didn't want it to get lost Yea I was thinking along the lines of aux actually being lightning now. They'd still make headphones for Aux or USB-C though.
  11. I didn't call you immature? I said the market is immature. Did you even read my post? Also don't iPads use lightning? I never said anything about headphone makers switching all of their headphones to lightning. I said they'd meet the demand from Apple users. Cool your jets man, read through what I'm actually saying. Honestly, I'm not a fan of Apple holding on to lightning and making this move. It'd make more sense if they would have switched to USB-C that way the entire market could support the move away from Aux to USB-C. Obviously Aux isn't going anywhere soon so there'll still be products/adapters to fill the void until USB-C/Lightning takes over.
  12. The technology itself does solve problems and makes life easier. That is innovation. What you're misconstruing to be a lack of innovation is market immaturity more than anything. By removing the Aux port, what do you think happens to the headphone market? Apple users are going to want something that doesn't require an adapter. Supply will meet that demand and the issue of the adapter will be irrelevant. I recall seeing a set from pioneer I believe that had a passthrough built in that would allow you to charge your phone while you listened.
  13. So we should just stick to Aux until the end of time just because it's more available? I thought this was a tech forum where we advocate for the latest and greatest?? Everyone makes aux because it's widely available, but if a major player stops using it. What do you think happens? The shift of focus starts to be pulled away and suddenly it's no longer more available than the other. Other manufacturers are already following Apple's lead with it. They wouldn't if they didn't see a benefit to doing so.