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About leonfagan71

  • Birthday Sep 21, 1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hampshire, UK
  • Interests
    Drinking Tea with the queen.
    Speaking to people in a very British posh accent.
    PHP, JAVA, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C# and a bit of Python.
  • Biography
    I like to sleep, I like to code, I like to eat, I like to repeat.
  • Occupation
    IT Technician/IT Manager


  • CPU
    AMD Turion(tm)X2 Dual Core Mobile RM-70
  • RAM
  • PSU
    19W universal power supplyz
  • Display(s)
    Built-in Graphics
  • Cooling
    Air cooled for me.
  • Keyboard
    CIC KB738
  • Operating System
    Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

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  1. Yes, the region settings are correct, it does seem like something that would be related to the timezone. I can see on here (http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/g.html) that there's `South America - Falklands` that is relating to the same date however these systems are in Ireland. Cheers, We have also disabled the automatic time zone change checkbox on Windows and have noted the same issue. We have also been able to replicate this issue on someone else's PC which is completely different to these. BIOS Version American Megatrends Inc. CCR6R112, 5/03/2014 Windows Version Windows 7 Professional 6.1.7601 Service pack 1 build 7601 The Locale is Australia and the timezone is GMT Daylight Time
  2. I may have made this under the wrong topic. It may need to go into https://linustechtips.com/main/forum/46-troubleshooting/
  3. Hey, I have had an issue where a bunch of computers decided to change their time at 1AM. They all are the same model with the same BIOS and are pretty much fresh installations of Windows 7. Essentially, on the 6th of April 2020 between 1AM and 2AM, all of the systems decided to increment their time by an hour. Between 2AM and 3AM, they had all gone back to normal time. It doesn't look like their timezone had been changed, they are offline so NTP isn't involved. All I get is a message in the Event Viewer saying the time has changed an hour. The issue is still present in safe mode and we can replicate the issue by changing the time back to before 2020/04/06 00:50 and waiting for an hour. We have done brand new installations of Windows and it seems as though the issue is still present. Has anyone else had this issue or have any thoughts on it? The applications we run are fairly time sensitive but are systems that are offline so they sync up every 24 hours Any ideas what could be going on? I found an article from a horrible blogspot site that seems to say they had an issue with communicating with the RTC. http://sztjytr.blogspot.com/2019/06/windows-7-time-keeps-changing-by.html I think there's also someone who had an issue with a batch file on the same date. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61405272/time-changing-randomly-on-windows-7-while-batch-file-is-running Regards, Leon.
  4. Will the forum access resume at some point? Subscription migrated to Floatplane a few weeks ago.


  5. OP- if you need a hand PM me. Is the machine running the database Linux or Windows is the first question. Once we've established that, has MySQL server been installed already? Regards, Leon.
  6. You could use PSTOOLS - It essentially runs a command on another computer. But it really depends on how the computers are configured to if it works or not. If you're on a domain network then you'd just pass a network username and password but if not then you're going to have to work out how to pass different credentials per computer. For a domain network you could just create a list of every computer and then just loop through it via a batch file, executing the PSEXEC command each time.
  7. Maybe you could store your passwords in Windows batch however this is the least secure thing I've seen since I found out one of my colleagues was using password1 as their Windows password... Theoretically it's possible but anyone would just be able to open the batch file and read the passwords. You should probably look into a programming language like C or C++ and use some encryption classes rather than this insecure plain text idea. I personally prefer C# however a lot of people on here would say something along the lines of that is uses a bunch of classes and stuff that is not required. Windows batch is a great start to the fundamentals of scripting but it is basic. Something like Python is a great for learning. Here is a great website you can use to learn all sorts of code: https://www.codecademy.com/ Good luck, Regards, Leon.
  8. So, something like this batch file? @echo off Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion title Just a screwing yo mom.... for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (users.txt) do ( for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=. " %%y in ("%%A") do ( set userid=%%y set firstchar=!userid:~0,1! REM echo %%y %%z - !firstchar! set user=%%z!firstchar! echo Sending shutdown to \\!user! psshutdown \\!user! -f echo Shutdown sent to \\!user! ) ) pause Just pop that into a notepad document and save it with the file extension as .bat This is the contents of the users.txt file john doe Mary Poppins Jack Black Does the trick. Regards, Leon.
  9. Here's some CSS from StackOverflow which seems to do what you want to do but it's inverted. /* gradient shining border */ border-style: solid; border-width: 3px; -webkit-border-image: -webkit-linear-gradient( left, rgba(0,0,0,1) 1%, rgba(0,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100% ) 0 0 100% 0/0 0 3px 0 stretch; -moz-border-image: -moz-linear-gradient( left, rgba(0,0,0,1) 1%, rgba(0,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100% ) 0 0 100% 0/0 0 3px 0 stretch; -o-border-image: -o-linear-gradient( left, rgba(0,0,0,1) 1%, rgba(0,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100% ) 0 0 100% 0/0 0 3px 0 stretch; border-image: linear-gradient( to left, rgba(0,0,0,1) 1%, rgba(0,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100% ) 0 0 100% 0/0 0 3px 0 stretch; Just change the rgba values. Regards, Leon.
  10. I guess the first thing to do is work out what type of programming you want to do and what sort of applications that you'd like to make. I know it's not a language but you could start with batch, it's simple and is pretty basic enough, else python is more of a generic language that is used for a lot of things now so it's probably something to get interested in. In terms of project ideas, I can't think of ideas that easily, I find I'll only do something if I feel like I need to. For example, I hooked up an RFID scanner, a relay and a few window sensors up to my Raspberry PI and made my own very basic security system so that I would know if someone was going in my room as I would hear the motorbike horn attached to the relay going off. I never really got to the point of learning an entire language, I started on HTML and PHP then CSS and then moved to java and c# I just used the language that I found was better for my projects. In my opinion for myself I found that other people were distractions but then again I'd been programming for a longer time than they had been so I'd find someone who is around the same sort of level as you and a lot of time together to bounce ideas on how things will go together. At one point one of my teachers recommended CodeAcademy however I found that it was unclear at what it was asking and ended up making the examples better during my basic IT lessons, it should have changed by now and so that's always good. Once you understand the basics like a basic calculator for example then just work yourself up towards the more complicated stuff. Sorry if I'm not too much help here. Regards, Leon. EDIT: These may be of help:
  11. Thanks, it helps a lot, I'm just really bad at naming things. I called something doEntryStuff.php at one point :D
  12. Okay, thanks. So, if I were to remove the extra tag and move the contents into the race array entry like: { "races":[ { "race_title":"", "race_id":"", "race_active":true, "race_desc":"", "race_map":{ "enabled": false, "src":"" }, "race_image":{ "enabled": true, "src":"" } "race_color":{ "enabled":false, "color":"rgba(255,255,255)" } } ], "count":1 } Then it would be better?? In terms of graphql, as this is the 5th update (last four were complete rewrites) in 4 years, I'd rather not completely remove it all, plus there's lots of complicated stuff in other parts of the api that I would like to keep. Is the key naming okay? race_title, race_desc, race_id. I feel like because this is the /races endpoint that it should just be title, description and id without the race_ prefix.
  13. Hello, I'm updating a project that I made a few years ago, and wanted to update some of the api responses and would really like your feedback on what a better response would be. So this small section displays races, I've formatted the response to make it easier to read. This is the old JSON response from the api: { "races": [ { "race_title": "test", "race_id": "1551", "race_desc": "I like big butts and I can't deny", "race_short_desc": "I like big butts and", "race_active": "true", "race_map": null, "race_image": null, "race_cover": "", } ], "count": 1 } And this is something that I just typed up: { "races":[ { "race_title":"", "race_id":"", "race_active":true, "extra":{ "race_desc":"", "race_map":{ "enabled": false, "src":"" }, "race_image":{ "enabled": true, "src":"" } "race_color":{ "enabled":false, "color":"rgba(255,255,255)" } } } ], "count":1 } I'm looking for a good way I could format the data to seem better. I was going to ask my friends *they exist I swear* however it's 3am and well, they're asleep and I'd rather have a more community response. Regards, Leon.
  14. What's the content of ./assets/js/app.js