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  • Gender
  • Location
    Massachusetts, USA
  • Interests
    Computer science, technology, physics, coffee, and spending ungodly quantities of hours watching Netflix.
  • Biography
    I'm a nerd who likes technology and watching other people talk about technology. I also like TV shows that I can binge watch.
  • Occupation
    Jr. System Administrator


  • CPU
  • RAM
  • GPU
    R9 Fury Tr-X
  • Case
    Cosair Carbide SPEC-01 Red
  • Storage
    480GB PNY SSD
  • PSU
    EVGA 850BQ
  • Display(s)
    1080p ASUS
  • Cooling
    Hyper Evo 212

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  1. I would like to know why a Paypal account is required for Floatplane? I understand the reasons for using Paypal as a payment system, instead of just allowing for payment using debit/credit directly, but it is very inconvenient that an actual account must be made. Often, you can use paypal to checkout without an account by checking out as a guest. I believe the reason that this is not available is because Floatplane is a subscription based purchase, and you cannot do subscriptions with a paypal guest checkout. If you were to offer the yearly purchase of Floatplane as a one-time purchase, I believe the option to checkout as guest would appear. I highly encourage you to consider this. Offering the onetime payment would not pose any logistical, financial, or otherwise difficult problem for you as far as I can see. As long as the purchase isn't a subscription, enabling guest checkout should be as easy as this: Thank you.
  2. As an AMD fan, Neither of those CPUs have any place in any budget, unless you are getting them INCREDIBLY cheap (<$40-50). For $65 you could get an i5-2500k http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intel-Core-i5-2500K-3-3GHz-Quad-Core-Processor-/252988155581?hash=item3ae744e6bd:g:5g8AAOSwLsBZPva4 For a bit more you could get a i5-3570k https://www.ebay.com/i/263020349606?chn=ps&dispItem=1
  3. Exactly, as someone who is an IT professional, I understand why the Government uses these old systems. It's because they are incredibly stable and reliable.
  4. That term is so silly. Yes, it's dumb to try to use preexisting tools to hack into something with no knowledge of what's going on, but hell, I've got four years of programming experience and you know what I do when I'm pentesting for SQL injection? I use Havij. Why? Because its so much faster than writing out SQL commands by hand.
  5. Rip. I think I'll just end up going to Vega instead of Crossfiring a couple Fury's.
  6. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814137049 This RX 480 is <$200. $190 before rebate, only $170 after rebate.
  7. Hi. I've been planning on doing a full water loop when I build my new system in a few months, and I was planning on keeping my R9 Fury if I didn't upgrade to Vega, but I'm confused now if I would be able to water cool it? From what I've gotten the NITRO cards are not reference, but the Tri-X cards are. Well I have a NITRO Tri-X, so is it a reference PCB? If not, what are my options to water cool? https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202186
  8. I'm a junior sys admin. Today at work we got a call because one of our end users had been talking to another end user and they had become convinced that the cell service was down in a part of the building, and asked us if we needed to reset the cell tower. I facepalmed very hard.
  9. I can easily sell the computer for more than it's part's retail for, same way any company or PC builder sells their computers. PC Part Picker tells me that its worth $1260 in parts so I figure I can reasonably get around $1400 for it on eBay. Plenty of people on eBay who either don't want to or don't know how to build a PC and they'll pay a bit of a premium to have it all ready to go the second it comes in the mail. The NVMe drive will either be my boot volume or a cache, but I'm thinking I maaaay just go for a regular SATA III SSD for my main storage so probably just my boot drive. OR maybe I'll go for Optane as my boot drive. Not sure yet.
  10. A R7 1700x, X370 motherboard, either another R9 Fury or Vega, a full custom hard line water loop, an NVMe drive, DDR4 ram, a mechanical keyboard, a gaming mouse, a 144Hz 1080p monitor, and maybe a 1440p monitor. I'm basically selling my computer (which is worth around $1260 in parts, so I could probably get a fair bit more than that), adding a paycheck, they building a complete new setup. I still haven't found a case I like. The In Win Tòu 2.0 would be my case of choice, but its $8000 so...
  11. Yeah without doubt. Sadly I can't drop $8000 on a case.
  12. Eyyyy right on the money with the ludicrously expensive remark. I'm officially now only looking for cases that share a similar aesthetic, if any exist. Or maybe I'll just have something custom manufactured.
  13. So I had the pleasure of seeing the In Win tòu 2.0 at Pax East, and besides the lack of cable management opportunities in the back, it was one of the most beautiful cases I have ever seen. I can't seem to find any information on purchasing one, and given that it's a signature case I imagine if at any point I can it will be ludicrously expensive. https://www.inwin-style.com/en/gaming-chassis/tou-2 So, is there any information on purchasing this case, and also, can any one give me examples of cases that have a similar aesthetic? I love the unique geometric design. It's elegant and memorable and I love it.
  14. I'm sure this is just a fluke, but what the hell? Can some explain this?? I definitely never messed with the base clock.