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Everything posted by Natsoup

  1. Hi everyone, It's been a while since I've posted here. I have become less and less of a tech enthusiast for a while and now I don't even know how to do simple things like setup a printer across networks. Can some kind soul help me out? My setup uses two routers. - One is a router/modem combo, and it is connected to the fiber-optic and to my printer. Let's call it router A. - the other, router B, is just a router and gets its connection from one of the ethernets coming from router A. My main PC is connected to router B via ethernet. How can I connect to the printer on router A through router B? The printer shows up under "wi-fi direct" printers, and the computer registers it, but when you send a print request it never arrives at the printer. I suspect a little port forwarding is in order, but wouldn't that open my printer to outside of the network as well? Thanks for reading, have a blessed day.
  2. cant believe this thread is still going after all these years cheers to yall
  3. I am in almost exactly the same position. Time to reset my stuff. 2FA saved my ass in the first place I'll need to look into firewalls. Running Win10 Home 1809. edit: build 17763.503
  4. Ok. thanks for the insight. I'll change these things from another machine, do a fresh install. This is scary man. I don't think the guy installed anything, I got to my pc as he was just going to my main e-mail, and he had chrome open with the download of port scanner still in the download bar, so if he had done anything else on that session, I probably would have seen. Do you have any thoughts why he would use a seemingly default Cyberoam admin login (user cyberoam pw cyber) on MY on a port I've never used? (8090) I also don't own any Cyberoam hardware.
  5. From my log 3 minutes ago: [DoS Attack: RST Scan] from source:, port 53210, Thursday, May 23, 2019 22:35:32
  6. Right. I changed pw to my 2 main emails. Now on to all the accounts in my passwords.
  7. How should I resolve this without any connectivity? I've taken down all my open ports. Log shows IP's from all over accessing every few seconds. Any way to trace these? I've saved the log. The guy cleaned up the log from realVNC and wiped my recycling, too.
  8. Okay, should I disconnect just this PC or take my router offline?
  9. If it helps, the guy was also running the open source port scanner http://www.mylanviewer.com/port-scanner.html
  10. Port was forwarded and no real security.
  11. Hey guys, I got hacked through my VNC client. I use it to access my PC from my phone, but someone got into my computer and started using my google passwords for literally everything saved. Guess this teaches me not to use that anymore. (Both VNC and Google passwords) Can anyone help me get this straight? They connected to but I don't know what that port is used for. They also saved to my google passwords what appears to be some "Protect your personal privacy" thing, cyberoam. They logged into that 10 dot address and saved a password to it. I can't connect to that server now, but it looks like they did from my machine. Any leads? Ask me anything and everything. I really don't know what to do except change all my passwords.
  12. As odd as this is, is it unable to read files if they are spread across both partitions or something? is there a function problem, other than how it looks in hard drive manager?
  13. I have two PC's, Pc 1 local ip: 192...29, pc 2 local ip: 192...27. Is this normal? I want to run a minecraft server on PC 2, but it only seems to work on PC 1. Can I give them separate IP's? why are they defaulted to the same public IP, even though they have separate local ip's? I have port forwarded 25565 for both local IP's, but they are getting the same IP and the server is not online running on PC 2. Anybody know a fix? extra info, my router is a netgear nighthawk r700 i believe. The PC's are both connected to a switch, which is connected to R700 router.
  14. I play and record games on my PC, so that would be inconvenient. I edit my iPhone videos on my macbook.
  15. Hmmm you should be able to push the settings a little higher the graphics without loss of performance. Try to get 1070 to hit that 95% mark
  16. Installing it. this is basically exactly the type of thing I was looking for. (Thanks! Also what's the subreddit??)
  17. I'm interested in making YouTube videos, but using WMM is just less powerful than what I need in an editor. Any good ones that are free and relatively versatile? I don't want to buy an expensive program or download one illegally and I don't think I need that much control in a software - the UI is pretty whack to a beginner like me.
  18. Nah, not for anything AAA and graphically demanding. When i had a standard 1070, 144hz 1440p was unheard of unless you drop to low enough settings that it's not worth the FPS boost excluding multiplayer. I left everything at max and swapped between 1440p 60fps and 1080p 144fps. If you want true 1440p 144hz you gonna need a 1080 Ti unfortunately. The 1070 Ti will kick ass, but it's just far enough below your preferred level of graphical power to be worth a step up. Your mom is gay btw
  19. Same result with .good(). This is... hard.
  20. while (1) { getline(data, ssn); getline(data, name); getline(data, attendance); data >> lab >> pa >> quiz >> midterm >> final; if (!data) { cout << "You are seeing this because something went wrong. \n"; if(data.eof()) { cout << "End of file reached. \n"; break; } } else { lab = lab * .15; // weights average pa = pa * .25; quiz = quiz * .15; midterm = midterm * .2; final = final * .25; average = lab + pa + quiz + midterm + final; cout << left << setw(12) << ssn << name << left << setw(25) << name << left << setw(3) << attendance << right << setw(7) << attendance << endl; } } @Unimportant I thought this would work... seemed to make sense. It loops infinitely on the cout << "You are seeing this because something went wrong. \n"; that's also the location I'm confused about atm - the if !data
  21. Correct. makes sense now - I wasn't actually opening the file correctly. Sadly, I'm not very advanced in programming (if you couldn't tell ) So I really don't understand what you mean. My teacher taught the class this way, so I've been doing it like that. It's definitely not the best way to do things. This assignment is designed to practice good structure in my code, though. But using !data - would that check that data exists, so 1 if data doesn't exist, but 0 if it does? Or is it that !data would check if there's anything left in the file, and if there is something left, it outputs 0, so the if statement's contents aren't used? After writing this, I think it's the latter, but I don't know for sure. I'm going to write my program using this method now. Expect an update sooner or later
  22. My C++ program is supposed to read the info from a .txt file and read all the info, but the while loop that reads the info file (data.txt) goes on forever. Can someone explain why? I've been stumped for a while now. using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> int main() { string ssn,name,attendance; string filename = "data.txt"; double lab,pa,quiz,midterm,final,average; fstream data; data.open(filename); if(data.is_open()) { cout << "Error opening file."; system("pause"); return 0; } cout.setf(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout.precision(1); while(!data.eof()){ getline(data,ssn); getline(data,name); getline(data,attendance); data >> lab >> pa >> quiz >> midterm >> final; lab = lab * .15; // weights average pa = pa * .25; quiz = quiz * .15; midterm = midterm * .2; final = final * .25; average = lab + pa + quiz + midterm + final; cout << left << setw(12) << ssn << name << left << setw(25) << name << left << setw(3) << attendance << right << setw(7) << attendance << endl; } system("pause"); return 0; } Here's data.txt: 111-11-1111 John Doe G 85 90 87 95 89 111-11-1112 Jane Doe P 78 65 71 74 75 111-11-1113 John Smith G 45.0 43.0 44.0 45.0 43.0 Please help. I may need a little help writing to the file, but first things first.
  23. How bout this cheap lad here https://www.amazon.com/Soweiek-Portable-Bluetooth-Wireless-Speakerphone/dp/B07CVSJFK2?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_3