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holy fuck... I just discovered If you 3-finger tap a link in Safari you can preview it!!! I discovered it by accident lol. Apple have so many hidden things in their software... 

  1. DrMacintosh


    Interestingly enough that feature goes away with Macs with ForceTouch trackpads because you can just peak and pop like on iOS by pressing harder. 

  2. Ashleyyyy


    @DrMacintosh I thought only Mac's with Force Touch trackpads had it. it's really nice of Apple to think about customers with older devices so they can use all the features still!

  3. RoseLuck462


    That's not all you can 3-finger ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  4. Ashleyyyy


    @RoseLuck462 elaborate on that. 


