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ok I decided to start a YouTube thing (I've wanted to before but changed my mind about 4 or 5 times, I have a drive with a load of old footage from a few years ago when I first had this idea), and holy crap I now just realised how inconvenient the type-c only MacBook Pro's are.... 


it starts with my Mac being a 120gb model, not enough to edit. I thought well I'll just plug in an external dri... crap. no usb a ports. 


I then realised that my camera uses SD cards. I don't have an SD card slot on my Mac. but then I thought well I'll just use an old card read... shit, those use usb type a too. 


no problem, I have a dongle. 


crap, if I plug in the dongle I can't charge my Mac at the same time. 


soooo I guess my 2012 MBP will take over as my main computer again since most of the time using it will be editing video...


and out of my Mac's this is the one that can handle a drive upgrade (it has 500gb, plenty for editing 1080p and 480p footage), it supports SD cards which my camera uses, I can plug in an external drive for offloading footage when I'm done with my edit and it can charge while interfacing with all of these devices. 


if I wanted to use the 2017 MacBook Pro as my computer for video editing I would have to buy a dongle that has charging passthrough, ethernet, 2 type a ports and an sd card reader... those are expensive and I have no money rn soooo nope.  
