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  1. Anyways we'll know in around 10 days if I'm lucky
  2. I figure its super fake, newegg used to be a big deal when it came to reputable shopping though.
  3. Any thoughts? I bought one so when it arrives we will see if fake or not. Has the same stock cooler as many fakes on market. the card
  4. So I'm working on a macintosh G3 casemod and, its going pretty well, one problem though is when the case is closed I can get my processor WELL above 60 C So I figure, okay well Ill just put an all in one in it and drill the fan onto the front, only problem is I cant find an AM4 AIO with long tubes, because of the door action on this thing, and the position of the ram, the heatsink will have to have the tubes facing the opposite direction of the radiator, and the motherboard moves away, so Im looking at like, a 2 1/2 tube. ON THAT TOPIC, if the answer is to put new tubes on an all in one (is that even possible? no?) or use custom water cooling (bit over my head) Ill probably want to switch to something like this https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181099&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-PC-_-pla-_-Liquid+%2F+Water+Cooling-_-N82E16835181099&gclid=CjwKCAjwrO_MBRBxEiwAYJnDLE0TA_ZWFwwGSVK4lnlzx_J6kRxt1E1Mlu96KkoyGn2EvYi3mdscAhoCMPQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds so I can slip it in the slot in the front (lol) and not have to drill or cut the sheet metal. its still beta so ignore cables and stuff
  5. I gave up on using rainmeter for performance issues, I recently bought humble bundles Lifehacker bundle and I've got to say I really enjoy fences and deskscape and haven't noticed a performance hit. Here's my current live desktop and my old rainmeter one (the pulp fiction one)
  6. Well whens the last time the idea was revisited? I'd imagine using todays technology and new encryption methods it'd be worth a shot atleast for a research project. Edit: Like for example changing the way a file system works to automatically detect when a file was created and encrypt it, so you aren't looking for the snippets in the front and back of the file, it would require any receiving computer to also use the same system but it might provide enhanced security for localized file storage.
  7. Like holy shit could you imagine a whirlpool but like it changes every day so a future super computer would need to crack it for every day... Jesus christ that'd last awhile I'd imagine.
  8. Make a new super complex form of encryption... Like maybe one that uses different algorithms based on the date that the encryption is used. That'd be pretty sick actually.