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  1. freebaser https://www.vessel.com/videos/aBRl_4ZS6 https://www.vessel.com/videos/Su_Wqd7Vl
  2. I'm not concerned with Linus' integrity with taking a sponsor like AT&T. I understand you want to provide content and that requires money. Just know a lot people hate that company and the focus is no longer the content of the video but the sponsor. Is that what you want? AT&T has a monopoly in my area. They take money not only from customers, but taxpayers and do nothing to improve their infrastructure. http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/09/att-and-verizon-say-10mbps-is-too-fast-for-broadband-4mbps-is-enough/. I have to use a vpn to get better youtube speeds. They put data caps on their home internet plans and don't even provide an option for users willing to pay for higher caps or unlimited. It's all about anti-competitive politics and milking their customers. Google chooses Austin, TX for fiber and AT&T magically has a competing offer within the year? Come on, they don't give a shit about us. There is a line somewhere and I don't know if this is it or not. A content provider has to make that choice based on their business and the image they have for their audience.
  3. A 100 character password would take nearly 5 centuries to crack. https://passfault.appspot.com/password_strength.html
  4. It's not just paint, but a thermal coating that will help performance. I installed one on a friend's pc and it seemed to do well and looks good too.
  5. 6/14 Microsoft != OS The power supply brand no longer makes power supplies
  6. I forgot to list my cooler, so omit that from your guesses. Hint: Microsoft != os Hint: One component is made by a brand that it's not known for. Everything is a hardware component or peripheral
  7. Was just noticing how I don't have anything made by the same company(or at least not the same brand name). Intel Gigabyte Samsung Evga Mushkin Crucial Western Digital Corsair Asus Microsoft Audio-Techinca Zalman Ducky Logitech If someone can guess which brands go to what... You'll get my first and only like ;p Edit: Microsoft != OS Edit2: The power supply brand no longer makes power supplies
  8. Had a nice couple of days, but the -bigadv server must move on to other things.