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  • CPU
    AMD A8 5600K
  • RAM
    8 GB
  • GPU
    AMD Radeon HD 7560D
  • Storage
    2x 1TB Hard Drive
  • Operating System
    Windows 7

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  1. Helping folding@home with my potato pc

  2. i seen the video by LTT and figured i'd add on what i could to help, even though my pc is a bit of an outdated potato might as well see how well a 2013 A8 + apu preforms
  3. i don't know of a single app that can do that but i know of 2 apps that could be used together to do that if you use Twilight as the main blue light filter (it has it allows you to have it turn on/change settings/turn off at specific times) it has filter strength to change the how strong the filter is and it has a screen dimmer (but the screen dimmer only changes the image not the actual screen brightness) and then use Midnight to turn the screen brightness down at 10 pm as it has an option to turn the screen brightness (actual screen brightness) down to minimum while it is active (just set it to turn on at 10pm but keep it at minimum so it doesn't affect the image)
  4. my old tablet recently broke so i am looking into buying a new one and i am wondering if the tablets i am looking at are any good (and if you know a better model for a reasonable price let me know) the 2 models i am looking at are Huawei Mediapad M3 lite 8" https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834324025 and Huawei Mediapad T3 8" https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834324023 i am wondering if they are worth it (is it worth getting the more expensive M3 lite 8" or is the cheaper T3 8" just as good) and i have a question about the model sold on newegg.ca (links above) do they have a MicroSD card slot (this is necessary due to them having only 16gb of internal storage)
  5. i wasn't going to post on this thread as it was made in 2013 but seeing that people are still posting (newest being a few minutes ago) so i might as well post anyways. i am still pretty young so i haven't had very many bad things happen but the worst mistake i have ever made is not backing up my android tablet sounds like a minor thing because most people don't think about backing up their mobile devices as you just expect them to work but in my case not backing it up was a huge mistake as recently (oct 1 2017) it froze then turned off and it have not turned back on since and being that it was my main media device i had a lot of stuff on it which unless i can get it too boot again is lost (Yes i have tried a hard reset it did not work.) worst part is that i had the password for one of my secondary email accounts stored on it (which is just as stupid if not stupider than not backing up your stuff) seriously backup your mobile devices especially if it is an older android device as they can crash and die
  6. the space is not that small based of my measurements a thinner normal case would fit as long as i can lay it horizontally i am considering something like that
  7. thank you that will give me somewhere to start. also one thing i will add is the spot where i want to put the computer is quite small (9 inches tall. but the width is not a problem)
  8. Me and my mom are looking into getting a small PC for use with our TV for watching online video (Youtube NetFlex etc) browsing the web and possibly some basic gaming. i am posting this because i want some recommendations for parts Budget: $300 (Canadian) but we are willing to go up to $400 if necessary. Location: Canada. Edmonton area. Store Preferences: We Prefer to Buy things in store over digitally and our preferred store is Memory Express When are we planing on buying: in the next few months (probably in summer) Aim: Youtube Netflex (Online Video and TV) Web Browsing and some basic Gaming (tetris puzzle games and possibly emulators). Monitors: single 1080p TV Peripherals: We already have a wireless keyboard and touch-pad. Also we need it to have WiFi. OS: Probably Linux and/or Windows Storage Type: Doesn't matter. Storage Size: 1TB is enough size: the space i want to put the computer is 9 inches tall (but the width is not a problem) Other notes: we would like to keep it fairly small and low power We have not decided on any parts yet
  9. you should add sololearn to the list. it has a verity of programing languages like c++ java python. but im not going to name them all. and its available for android ios windows phone or in your web browser. and its interactive with quizzes and a code playground. it can be found here www.sololearn.com or here for the android apps https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=SoloLearn&hl=en SideNote: i am not sure if the code playground is available on the website