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  1. Right now it looks like the modmic is higher quality but I just realized I had some left over amazon credit so I don't spend any money out of pocket for the vmoda boom mic. I can't find any mic tests for the vmoda boom mic. Can someone link me? Also what about the noise canceling of the vmoda. I know the modmic 3.0 is pretty decent at cancelling the background noise. The 4.0 is supposed to be even better
  2. By compatible do you mean a detachable cable on your headphones? If you do than I might just go buy that.
  3. Guess I will be waiting for the modmic 4.0 like everyone else
  4. Sooo. Which one is better. The vmoda boom mic or the modmic
  5. I currently use a zalman clip on Mic. I use it for things like Skype and Teamspeak. My friends always complain the cant hear me and i turn up the db boost in windows it fixes it, but then white noise appears. <_< Is their a good microphone i can buy for a maximum of $40 that i can buy that wont pick background noise but yet my friends will be able to hear me. Also with the Zalman mic, It somehow has not too good of quality. My $90 web cam has better quality than it. I guess i got a bad unit. My friends want me to use my turtle beach x12's but i refuse to go back into the headset life. They believe headsets are superior. HA
  6. PLEASE. PLEASE do not get an iPhone Lets see. the screen, it is too skinny. that is about it on the hardware honestly the device itself is no that bad. it is IOS. IOS is the WORST. if you like just a bunch of icons it is for you No customization i am not going to waste my time listing so many things so i just found a quick article listing the minor things. http://thedroideffect.com/100-things-iphone-5s-still-cant-do-android-can/
  7. just saying if you leave iPhone and go to android you will never regret it. just don't get a shit device that can't run smoothly
  8. Honestly the moto x easily beat every device here. it even got kitkat before the nexus 4. IMO it is the most underrated smartphone. I use it as my daily driver and i love it. The only problem is you live in Canada and i am not sure if it is available theire. coming in second is the nexus 4. the moto x has every feature it has an even more.
  9. just a warning but the lg g2's back is unbearable. it is so freaking slippery. you can always fix this with a case but just a warning. also the next gen HTC one is supposed to come out around Q1/early Q2. if you can wait for that i would definitely get it.
  10. I would suggest the new moto g. It is basiccly the moto x but with a couples corner that they cut to keep the price down. it is only 132 euros and it is off contract. not sure if it is available yet in your country. http://www.motorola.com/us/consumers/moto-g/Moto-G/moto-g-pdp.html if you have more money to spend i would suggest a nexus 4. it is an all around great device
  11. I am looking for some headphones that are decently cheap but are still sound great. I was looking at the Creative Aurvana Lives but judging by the reviews the earcups are a bit small for me. i like the sound that the CAL's have. i have also listened to the ath-m50 headphones and i really like their sound. Is any headphone that is similar to the sounds of these two headphones but are in my price range. I am also going to use them for gaming so good isolation would help. I don't need to worry about a mic because i already have a zalman clip-on,
  12. PieLife

    Headphones Help?

    really are they that loud haahah. she will have to deal with it if i get them . A lot of the people on hifi said the mids were amazing but it was lacking in the treble department. then then say once you add like an amp/dac they get amazing. i am a noob when it comes to this so can you give me recommendations what to get don't what to spend more than $60 on things other than the headphones. and no i have never experienced them before.
  13. PieLife

    Headphones Help?

    Also i stated my "situation in my first post". What i meant buy that was where they good for what i want to do with them and do they meet my priorities. sorry if it was confusing.