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Everything posted by Coltaine

  1. Yeah, let's just throw fair use out the window shall we?
  2. In Norway I think the electricity price on average throughout the year is something like, 0.05 USD kWh. I think I pay something like 67 USD for electricity consumption over 3 months, but I have to pay something like 170 USD for the grid rent(or network charges or something like that).
  3. Somewhat, potentially for the wrong reasons. Although I can't really remember having ever heard an "official stance" on the subject there's certainly a hint of negativity shining through when the subject is brought up. Now I've been playing on PC for over 20 years, I've been playing on console for almost 14 years, my very first gaming system that was mine and mine alone was a Playstation hooked up to a TV set I scrounged from an electronics dump you had to beat smack half to death to make work. Now I'm the kind of gamer that grew up with PC games that wouldn't work unless you had the correct peripherals, like joysticks or game-pads, or what have you, so I definitely think that's one of the strengths of PC gaming. Not necessarily the keyboard and mouse. While I do prefer k&m for FPS, a genre I generally don't play much, or RTS(duh) I prefer other inputs for most of the games I play, so I do have a number of peripherals for my PC that I use frequently. In any case I feel like a lot of the "PC gamer master race" have a bit of a wrong focus, well, at least the loudspoken crowd does. I am of course thinking of the graphics, sure consoles won't look as good, sure the framerate might be worse, sure the draw distance might be small, but honestly unless the devs have done a piss poor job of it the game can still be extremely enjoyable. Lately there's been a massive swing from major devs to pump out first and third person shooters, or third person action adventures, these games I tend to find just work better on PC, and that's probably the biggest problem with consoles right now. As the PC market is growing more ports are coming over, and most of the time the ports are just plain lazy, not to speak of how they make games "accessible" by limiting PC games with console specific mechanics. That is to me the biggest issue in the whole PC vs Console argument. If you're still reading you've probably noticed I'm not very good at making arguments. Now I don't remember specific numbers, but as I remember it Consoles have the lions share of the market when it comes to gaming, but the PC gaming scene is steadily growing, and I do believe there have been a number of good, high production PC specific games released in the immediate past. Obviously if the market continues to grow there's going to be even more, but for the PC games to be good there needs to be a swing in the market for Console games. Unforunately the consumers on the console side will keep buying the same garbage FPS/3PS and action/adventure games and the terrible ports will keep coming over to PC. At the moment I have consoles and PC, so I can enjoy playing some console exclusive games I enjoy and I can play things like FPS and RTS on PC, not that I've seen an RTS on console since Command & Conquer on PS1.