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About TSegers

  • Birthday Nov 09, 1993

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    The Netherlands
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    Computer Hardware
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  1. Honestly, I think your best bet would be to hop on codecademy and start with the python course. It'll give you an idea of what programmig is and you'll be able to make some simple things within a few hours. Why python? Although it is not the best language for a lot of things, like raw performance, it has a very low barrier entry and focusses on having you write clean, readable code. Once you get an idea of how coding works, start exploring other languages. These is no best one, there is a right one for a particular job, and knowledge translates over to ither languages pretty easily.
  2. TSegers


    Linus recommends using Apollo instead of PowerAmp in his latest videos. Besides, Apollo is free (and open source). You can get if of F-Droid if you'd like to try it out. And if you do, tell us if it is a noticeable improvement.
  3. TSegers

    Logitech G35

    Tell me that after you've seen the vending machine at the place I work. It takes about 10 tries to get a 2 Euro coin accepted, but in the end, it always works.
  4. Alternate sells the clip on as well, if you hadn't noticed. And redcoon sells the 558 at a cheaper price according to PriceWatch. It is only 10 euros cheaper, so if you know you trust alternate, buying it there would be not that much more expensive, especially if you calculate the shipping when combining the 558-zalman order.
  5. Why is that? Have you found a suitable pair of headphones, and if so, would you share which these are with the rest? This would help people watching this thread interested in headphones with similar properties in the future, which is one of the main goals a forum wishes to for fill. Not only to help individual people, but to build a database of sorts with knowledge covering a particular field. Furthermore, giving a little bit of credit to the people who helped you in the decision making would be polite. If, on the other hand, you did not find a suitable pair of headphones. It would be nice to hear why this is exactly, so people can take that feedback and consider it in future advise, or help you with your request further. Again, to (in the end) have a thread that is of use to other people besides you. The fact that you do not see any value in the thread anymore does not remove it's right to exist as a source of knowledge. Ending it in this state is rather selfish, to say the least. As for the question in the OP, the only thing I can contribute is by saying the current (and only) open headphones I own currently (AKG Q701) give a much more "spacious" feel than any of the closed headphones I've owned so far. So I definitely recommend a pair of open headphones over closed ones for positional audio (as if that was not already established in many other threads, but still).
  6. "Gaming oriented" is something non-existent. As for 7.1, that is the worst gimmick of them all. As pointed out in countless other threads, 2 good drivers > 7 crappy ones, and the ".1" would indicate a subwoofer, and I, for one, don't see anyone fitting a subwoofer in a pair of headphones. Perfect positional audio only requires 2 drives and a functioning brain. Just get a decent pair of (preferably open) stereo headphones. AD700x is recommended a lot, and though it does not look great, the sound is not abysmal like in the "gaming" headsets. Edit: They even sell them at your store within your budget: link Edit2: I can't read, you wanted closed ones (although open is better for positional audio). The M50's GRRigger recommends are highly regarded
  7. SteamOS isn't even out and you are able to not only conclude that it must be worse than windows, but that you will stick with Windows for the rest of your life? Would you lend me that crystal ball of yours sometime? Fanboyism is just absolutely horrible, and uneducated fanboyism even the more. On topic: I think we all have to wait what VALVe has in store for us, but one thing is certain: this will without a doubt stimulate some driver support on Linux, which is great. As a near full-time Linux user I can only hope SteamOS will deliver the push that is required to a more general acceptance of Linux as a gaming and desktop platform. As of now, open source GPU driver support is abysmal. Both nVidia and AMD vouched to improve open source driver quality just after the SteamOS announcement, which I hope is only an appetizer of what is to come.
  8. Then I'd change the title of the thread to "Open-Source and/or free alternatives to many common programs" (and if you'd want to get anal about it replace free by gratis), as many of the programs here are free of charge, but by no means Open-Source or FOSS. That aside, the main post if becoming a really complete guide on alternatives to paid/proprietary software. If only I had this when reaching into the world of FOSS and Linux. One thing to add (if possible), would be an "index" on top of the list, as it is growing quite large in size and complexity.
  9. Sublime (as much as I once used to like it) is neither free as in beer, nor free as in freedom. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Other free (both as in beer and freedom) tools I can recommend are: - Deluge as a uTorrent replacement (cross platform) - Evince as a replacement for Adobe Reader - TexLive (LaTeX) as a replacement for MS Word (only/most useful for scientific documents)
  10. Maybe they modded a subwoofer to the headphones, you don't know that, you're not god!
  11. That is exactly what we are trying to communicate. The price of the headset is in no way relevant by the way. If I slap a 200$ price tag on some apple ear buds, do they suddenly require a sound card too?
  12. Which is absolutely wrong. I have owned a (usb) sound card, and the only thing it does is remove the jitter that comes from the motherboard, which is most noticeable when i used it with my notebook. I currently own an O2/ODAC combo, considered to be one of the best headphone dac/amp combos around. Even that thing does not really improve SQ imho. Again, it removes jitter and is able to drive my relatively high impedance headphones, nothing more, nothing less.
  13. Yes, I admire your reading comprehension If you don't have weird problems with on-board and no need for amplification due to high impedance headphones, on-board is fine.
  14. No, it won't. On board audio is perfectly fine for a headset of that caliber... Sound cards are only of use when your on board is just flat out broken, our if you need the outputs it provides.
  15. TSegers

    Corsair SP2500

    Thank you, but I'll visit 4chan myself when I'd like a gifdump Be honest, how large is that folder you're pulling those out of?