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  1. I'm not surprised. After the recent high profile news stories of account hacks and twitter handle blackmail, locking the account for 30 days definitely gives a legitimate owner the opportunity to challenge an account takeover before it cascades over to all of your other accounts. It is however, unfortunate when you are trying to reset it yourself. I had to go through all of it a few years back when I hadn't logged into my hotmail in a while and couldn't remember the password. Since then, I've switched over to a password manager and made sure that the 'backup email addresses' are all current and accounts that I can access.
  2. Actually, it is pressurized, but it is still going from your starting elevation to up to 8000 feet 'pressure altitude' then back down again just like inside the cabin. It may or may not be heated though, which can lead to condensation with a lot of open air like inside a case.
  3. Okay, as checked baggage, you could. If you are going to, the previous advice of remove and separately box all heavy items with limited mount points like the gpu, and in addition seal the cooler in its own plastic bag because of the pressure changes... you never know. It might raise flags with TSA (or your local equivalent), but once they figure out what it is (which might involve opening it up) it should be allowed through. My personal experience is I try to NEVER put electronics in the back of the airplane. I work for the airlines, and even I have ended up with several broken laptop screens, cracked hinges, and other miscellaneous damage over the past decade. Realize I travel a LOT, so many people will have no issues, but at this point any electronics I carry ALWAYS go in a small enough backpack that it stays with me up front in case you fly on a smaller regional aircraft and have to 'gate-check' what was supposed to be your carry-on.
  4. I do like to see videos like this, but again only for worthwhile products. While I personally prefer the high end phones for what I do, for my wife (or anyone else I might recommend it to) who just barely uses smartphone functionality, I would like to know what is a good low or mid-range phone that will just work, especially since I'm usually the one who will having to provide tech support.
  5. I have been using nothing but laptops for the last 12 years (work on the road), and am finally saving to build a mini-itx system for something with actual gaming power at home so this would be perfect... my 3 year old laptop doesn't exactly let me play many games either. I could definitely use either one.