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  1. The 'of' variable has to be the device itself not the folder it's mounted in, i.e. /dev/sdx where x is the appropriate drive letter e.g. sdb. Be sure you get this right since this command deletes everything on /dev/sdx. Also the usb drive must not be mounted. If it automounts you have to unmont it first.
  2. It would be faster to just call Fib(i) before the if statement and save its result. Right now every even Fibonacci-number gets calculated twice. The second method just gives you the i.th Fibonacci-number using recursion. If you don't understand what it does just write down what happens for a small i, i.e i=4: Fib(4) = Fib(3) + Fib(2) Fib(3) = Fib(2) + Fib(1) Fib(2) = 1 Fib(1) = 1 hence Fib(4) = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
  3. TideRower

    Calc 2 help

    Calculate the intersection points. Integrate sqrt(2x) - the positive red graph- between the two intersection points with positve y-values. Then you subtract the region of a triangle on the left and at one on the right side. Then you have the region above the x-axis. Calculating the region below goes analog e.g. mirroring the graph.
  4. Well, you can rewrite your equation and use the PQ formula all the times e.g. 3x2 + 2x -4 = 0 to x2 + 2/3x- 4/3 = 0 so that you can use the PQ formula instead. Also the general formulas is the PQ formula if you set a=1.
  5. They are the same. Your formula gives you the solution for x2+px + q = 0 to solve x2- x - 20 = 0 you set p=-1 and q=-20 using your formula we get : 1/2 +- sqrt(81/4) = 5 or 4
  6. if x is even you write: 1, x, x2 if not : x, 2x, (2x)2 you write down 1 and then start counting with 2
  7. Which topics did you talked about and in which one do you have the most trouble? I took discrete maths a year ago. We used the book "An invitation to discrete mathematics 2008" form Jiri Matousek, Jaroslav Nesetril, which I can recommend since it's aimed at beginner (in maths) and quite easy to read.
  8. Why would 0 not be a number? It's nearly the same as if eiπ didn't count as a number.
  9. Triangle inequality for the p-norm.
  10. I've seen quite a few physics students having a hard time with math at university.
  11. Not at all, these are just trigonometric functions. In my opinion the other way around would be worse (depending on age).
  12. There isn't an exact one, I've see/done the proofs. Obviously numerically it's quite easy (and stable) to get really close to the roots of the polynom. But me being a mathematician the exact solution is not just close to it.
  13. Do you mean that there is a formula to solve polynomials of any degree? That's not true. It can be proofen that polynoms with the degree of 5 and higher generally don't have a formula to find its roots.
  14. You can't just give up after one bad game. All of the mentioned civs are fun to play. You might add the Netherlands since they are versitily and Babylon or Korea for sience. How about a shuffle map for more ramdom game.
  15. Maybe the mod Really Advanced Setup lets you choose the exact size of the map, but I'm not sure. Also have you finished a game on a huge map? Since the turns start to be pretty long even on large maps. Really Advanced Setup Really Advanced Setup Really Advanced SetupRe