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  1. On the topic about desktop/laptop/mainstream CPU, I think that the onlly thing that will shake the market is a new good general puropse architechture. x86 and x86_64 are not that bad but their designs are super-old (I programmed some x86 ASM recently... that stuff is needlessly complex). They was not thought to be multi-core instruction sets. I hope for a GP-GPU style main chip, in which we will be able to plug buses(SATA, PCI, not actual buses) and peripherals in,offering completely asynchronous tasks regarding said peripherals.... oooh I dream. BUT, this will only work with x86_64 retrocompatibility, and that won't happen (unless Intel does it) so, I think we're stuck. I don't think that AMD will be able to light up a full CPU revolution, even if I like AMD as a company more than Intel (and especially Nvidia <- these a-holes don't open source anything), Intel surely has something ready, even if I don't think that a 8 thread i5 is coming this generation.... Anyway, we shall all start a movement about ultra-concurrent CPUS for General Purpose computing. Definitely.
  2. I am building a new PC coming from a MS Surface Pro 2, and I was already planning to get the 480, but just today prices skyrocketed up about 30€ on every card, so I hope that this will solve my problem. Anyway GJ Linus for this giveaway and GJ AMD for this amazing cards!