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    Have it, but forgot it
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    Have it, forgot it though
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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Brisbane, Not Brisbaine.
  • Interests
    Helping, Tech, Minor (used to be major) gaming.
  • Biography
    Happy to chat about anything! Let it be Tech, Food, Human Life, or if there's shit you can't talk about to anyone else in you actually know. I'll try my best to help (with confidentiality of course).


  • CPU
  • Motherboard
  • RAM
    Corsair Vengeance 8GB
  • GPU
    Radeon R9 200
  • Storage
    God knows how many harddrives
  • Display(s)
    24-inch display
  • Keyboard
    Razer Deathstalker
  • Mouse
    Razer Deathadder (Yes, I know.)
  • Sound
    So many freaking headphones
  • Operating System
    Windows 10 (Previously windows 7)

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  1. Hey guys, just getting some insight of what you these photo's are like, with the angles etc, etc. They were all shot on the iPhone SE Thanks! Also, "Max total size 20MB" isn't accurate... I'm trying to upload a 9MB photo (two of them) and it doesn't allow me. Anyways here the link: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP93y0TsKftiWK0ZyHw63hQIAdEwu6pBw4w9KPHY4Jh9dOLiEMzrN5OsxuCv65JCw?key=cnppQW1JTF9yQ1RDeXlVZXhtckhZN1ZzZ25JZU1B Sorry cbf creating a smaller link
  2. I have one... Not that I've played with it for about 5 years, plus Tbh, I tried logging in the other day, And my accounts been deleted for inactivity
  3. Seem's a little.... Extensive? Was this on LTT? I would generally just verbally fight out it. Let it be on skype, face to face, anything.
  4. Fair enough, thanks for the clarification You seem to be around the same age group as I am. We're both mature for our ages hey? Hahaha.
  5. Hey! Please let me help you guys if you need it I can talk to anyone. You know what I find sometimes? I find that I can open up to people I hardly even know I've had multiple amazing friend's that I had never met and didn't know anything about. It's especially good when you feel as though you can't talk to anyone else irl because you're scared they'll tell someone else something. Feel free to message me and hit me up on skype if and when needed
  6. Ahh yes, that ticks a light bulb. I suppose Australia only having around 24 million people means they don't need an extra school to hold all the kids. Thanks!
  7. Yo. Just thinking of what customization to get for my iPhone SE (Yes, I know). I've chosen on what two types of material (clear by title) but I'm not sure if the Upper/Lower part should be mahogany and the back be black leather, or the Upper/Lower be black leather and the back mahogany. I'm leaning closer towards the back being mahogany, although I'm not 100% sure. Side note: Frame will be mahogany, and if you can find a good suggestion for the front then go ahead, but I'm not too sure whether or not to bother paying the extra bit for it. Thanks!
  8. Okay I should know this, and I did. But someone explain too me (as I'm in Australia and we don't have the same schooling system) What grades/years is Middle school? Like all we have here is Primary (Elementary) School, and high school. Primary is Prep (pre-school type thing) - Year 6 and Year 7 - Year 12 Sorry I know this is off topic hahaha.
  9. Yo. Just thinking of what customization to get for my iPhone SE (Yes, I know). I've chosen on what two types of material (clear by title) but I'm not sure if the Upper/Lower part should be mahogany and the back be black leather, or the Upper/Lower be black leather and the back mahogany. I'm leaning closer towards the back being mahogany, although I'm not 100% sure. Side note: Frame will be mahogany, and if you can find a good suggestion for the front then go ahead, but I'm not too sure whether or not to bother paying the extra bit for it. Thanks!
  10. Really it's probably just the snowball that's your best bet, Unless of course you want to up the budget slightly like everyone else has said, Go for the Yeti or the AT2020. You could also look at Samson but I honestly don't have much if any experience with those mics
  11. Obviously a Nikon or Canon, in my opinion preferably Canon. How about the T5? It's well within your budget depending on the lens/s you get. http://amzn.to/1UnHdvR That kit comes with an 18-55 mm lens, Entry level for sure and definitely made for the more basic side of photo's but still good for a starter. It comes with a HEAP of accessories in the pack so that's your best bet for that Camera body & Lens. If you really need a swivel screen get the T5i but it will cost at least 100 bucks more ( http://amzn.to/1SB1BZo ). http://amzn.to/1rpp7OS Is a Nikon camera which is at your highest budget but comes with two lenses (18-55 and 55-200) Both under at or under budget but I always recommend the Canon's more. Don't ask why I just do they have a better reputation. But in saying that, The Nikon Bundle is pretty good. Just look through all the specs and see what you find suits your needs - Jadi B
  12. Look at my about me!
