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Alex Ban

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  1. hi, i recently bought a OTG cable and tested my mouse with my android phone running Resurrection Remix. Everything worked just fine, i even tested it on my sisters phone (galaxy s6 edge running stock rom, unrooted), but the next day my mouse is rotated 90o counterclockwise in all systems (my current laptop, my phone and my old laptop) (by rotated i mean if im moving the mouse up its moving the cursor to the right and so on...) Right now i'm using a software that you're supposed to prank your friends by rotating their mouse (Sakasa Mouse) What's even weirder is the fact that in CS:GO the cursor still has this problem but the character is rotating normal I have a A4tech mouse and is wireless and thats all i know about it because the text on it got erased. If it helps heres what it says on the reciever (the usb thingy i plug in the laptop) : Model: RN-10B FCCID : H8GRN10B Please help me because the Sakasa software doesn't work when im using a software as administrator and also the touchpad is reversed (since im reversing it with the software)
  2. thank you , so i guess makeing a nas using a rasberry pi would be a bad idea
  3. In conclusion , nothing new, just some useless stuff packed in 5GB. Im not gonna update.... i like windows how it is right now so i wont clean my c:/ so it can't be installed... sry
  4. Hi, first of all im not sure if i'm talking about the right thing but you'll get it. I see stuff like 10/100 or 10/100/1000 Ethernet Port and i would like to know what it means.
  5. Hi, i want to switch from windows 10 to linux but i dont know which distro is the best for me. I would like to write code on that OS. I want a linux distro that has all/as many apps as possible. I heard that some apps dont work on all distros thats why im asking for help. I've tried Mint,Ubuntu and Kali linux so far , but i don't know which is the best for my preferences. (I'm not a 1337 h4x0r so Kali Linux might not be a option right? ) By the way i'm gonna use both:windows and linux in a dual boot config
  6. Hi, i saw a game called Rec Room which is for VR, but the graphics are low poly. Why do you need a gtx 970 even for low poly graphics ? im confuzed
  7. hi guys, I get it that its good for a gamer to have more cores in his PC than faster cores but I don't know what is the use of the speed of the cores and also what are Intel Xeon used for.... servers maybe ?