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  1. Hi I just registered at Floatplane, because I think its a great Idea and you seem to have the expertise to pull it off. Looks good so far. Nice fast and snappy experience. Some things I would like to see: - Add a thing somewhere (doesn't need to be prominent) to give feedback for the site. - Add the J,K,L keys as shortcuts for Back,Play/Pause,Forward like in Youtube. Homerow, vim, typing etc. its just more convenient If you are used to put your hands there. (F already works for Fullscreen, the other would be nice to also have.) - Auto quality adjust would be nice, but not neccessary. - I really hope you can get more people on board and [takeoff joke here]
  2. No "could", "can". When you assemble it you can decide whether you solder 2 switches or one in the middle with a large cap. on the access-is keyboards: I have one laying around here, but never used it, because the software to program it is only windows, and the open source TMK or other firmwares are leaps and bounds beyond the Access-IS, with the possibilities you have.
  3. Yes, very much this. Your way of doing it works for you, but do get one of these keyboards, or some other open firmware keyboard (like the Ergodox or other DIY versions) Especially the current massdrop Planck or Preonic keyboards would be perfect as macro keyboards because of their ortholinear (grid) layout and small size. Also, you can get keycaps for cherry keys which have removable clear plastic tops for putting labels inside for more perfection and cleanability. And last but not least, would love to see a video on LTT about these DIY keyboards to make them a bit more widely known.