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Everything posted by lapris54

  1. No it isn't, the base machine is way under powered for what I need, it bumps it up to about £800 for what I need.
  2. For all you know some mods could be enabled, did you never get taught not to assume things?
  3. Perhaps he plays the game at higher settings? So actually yes, it might need that.
  4. I'd feel more comfortable with a GTX card, 180GB of storage is no where near big enough either.
  5. no, i'm rather busy. My budget is £700, you linked me to one at £755.
  6. You mean the was that was OVER my budget.
  7. The main purpose of a quadro GPU is for work related tasks. I don't need that. I explicitly said GAMES. Learn to read before you try and lecture me. Bro....
  8. Ehh no. They have quadros. I did say play games. Not to mention one of them doesn't even fit in my budget.
  9. Well you're asking for trouble with a no name PSU
  10. I'd rather buy a brand new one to be honest. Think you could find me a lenovo on ebay though with an i7, 16GB of ram and a good dedicated gpu?
  11. Hey guys, I'll be moving soon and I am unable to take my PC with me. I need a laptop (for about £700) that can hopefully play some games but it is mostly about the power of it, I am looking for the most power for the money but it also needs to be quite nice, if you know what I'm trying to say? Any questions just drop them below. Would prefer Intel and Nvidia but I'm open to suggestions. Thanks
  12. I can never be bothered to fix it to be honest.
  13. Fallout 3 doesn't even work on my PC so I'm not sure that even the game itself is a good idea.
  14. Sounds more like your internet is the problem, not the router (the box).
  15. Can you feel the top of the leg at the table moving? If you can, tighten it. If not, then don't.
  16. Yeahhhh....Don't even try putting that RAM in, and yes what @JamGorby get it in 2x4.
  17. Not 100% sure on this, but isn't that illegal?
  18. Well if you mean that you want to change the colour of your LEDs then, no you can't.