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I had the weirdest and interesting dream last night.


I was at LTX 2019 sitting at my LAN computer, someone dropped a GTX 1080ti and I picked it up and took it, then the guy came looking for it, he decided to stop looking, then I went to a small shop inside the arena to find a bath towel, in the process I met one of my best friends and we chatted a bit, then we went to the woman's bathroom and there were showers there so she snuck me in, had a shower with her (fuck finally), then someone bombed Canada's place, woke up with her in a bed at the arena in a secret bedroom? Then some guy came to pick me up and I drove to the arena freaking out trying to find the auditorium entrance. Then I went into some room with a couple of people's and a demon dog spawned but someone killed it. Then I woke up in a bunch of electronics like televisions and old computers, whatever. Then a guy who lived in this house drove me to the arena again and dropped me off, went to grab my computer but they had packed everyone's computers up and they were going to send them to everyone's homes. But then a lady took me around and gave me 2 RX 580s and a GTX1080 ti again. Probably was the same one. The End.


Fun dream yet makes zero sense

  1. Jtalk4456


    i suggest less weed laced vodka before bed...
