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Blog Entries posted by Murasaki

  1. Murasaki

    Really wanted to do the PCIE connector, looks okay I think. Did some caps and other SMD stuff, again not really 100% to scale or proportion but close enough!

  2. Murasaki

    Doesn't look like much progress but drawing the bottom left part of the circle was exhausting, so much that it doesn't even come close in proportions or shape. But oh well I did what I could! Filled the remaining empty space so consider that part complete!

  3. Murasaki

    Very small progress, the more I progress the more things look out of proportion, but I think it will work overall. Could tweak things later on here and there won't be too hard right haha.

  4. Murasaki

    I have to admit the fight with my internal lazyness is real, though there is progress today! One thing I wish that was saved is the decoration palletes, got a text file with color codes instead hahaha...

  5. Murasaki

    Yesterday I was busy and forgot about it. it's not going to be as daily as I thought. But anyway! *changes category name*
    It's getting increasingly hard to do these, I keep losing orientation around the traces and the discrepancy in distance overall is getting kinda yikes. I'm not stopping though but it will slow down the pace as I continue to get confuzzled. Revisions later may be needed if I care enough or it gets terribly bad.
