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  1. well in the patent its supposed to resist LESS when moving away from center and more when moving back to center so it doesn't really push back at all
  2. yes but also no, The system Nintendo has patented works more like a limited slip differential. Its not dust, but microparticles suspended in a surfactant. Kinda like ferrofluid but the particles are MUCH smaller. There is also no way for the system to put a force on the stick with these two extra parts, they only resist motion or so it seems.
  3. Summary Nintendo have filed and received a patent for what appears to be a standard potentiometer based joystick with an added variable resistance mechanism based on a magnetic field and a "magnetorheological fluid." Quotes My thoughts From my reading this seems to be intended to allow for a much stronger return spring while preventing rapid oscillation after a user releases the stick. It is unclear if Nintendo intends this to mitigate stick drift or if its just there for a stronger spring or some sort of forced feedback system. This might also not be a good thing for the longevity of the joystick as magnetorheological fluids are vulnerable to degradation through use. per Wikipedia: Sources https://image-ppubs.uspto.gov/dirsearch-public/print/downloadPdf/20230280848 - US Patent and trademark office https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetorheological_fluid#Limitations
  4. I noticed that issue early on while people were still logging in, it seemed to calm down after the servers settled in and were just remapping to account for more sprites and elements in space and less on allowing more people to log in. Nearing the end of the demo it smoothed out and got more bearable
  5. https://www.eveonline.com/article/popydg/eve-aether-wars-round-one On Wednesday, Hadean technologies with the help of CCP games demoed the Aether engine at GDC. The aether engine has the capability to dynamically spread the compute load for online MMO game servers over multiple compute servers in the cloud as more players come online. The live demo took 3,852 live human players and added 14,274 AI clients to push the aether tech to its limits More reading on the even and the engine as a whole can be found on Hadean Tech's blog PCGamesn article mmorpg article CCP games' official post
  6. the only part I would be worried about might be the board chip set, while your CPU might be staying cool, it may be getting taxed more due to custom settings, I would recommend trying to find and install some monitoring software to track its temps and increasing case airflow to compensate. aida 64 offers chip set monitoring, and throttlestop can be used with the BDprochot setting to throttle the CPU if other sensors read extreme temps
  7. https://pastebin.com/6qTPYQZb a little text based ellipse solver that asks for defining variables and then outputs useful information such as the vertexes, endpoints, foci, and what kind of ellipse has been defined (horizontal, vertical, or a circle) inspired by my college math class unit on conics and ellipses.
  8. This year in school I am required to complete a year long project that results in a final product and learned skills. I have decided that I want to learn parallel/multi-core programing. The linked form is for the sole purpose of deciding which language I should use for my project based on ease of use and possible support base (popularity). I would greatly appreciate if you guys, and gals, could fill out the included Google form to assist me with this research. Thanks, scorcher646 https://goo.gl/forms/mrTSilLs72idd64v2
  9. unless any trickery was set up on the nas, you computer will be running the file locally and not off the NAS, for optimal speed and lowest latency I would recommend always storing the files for a program you are executing localy
  10. at that price I personally would not go with that, as Mohenjo stated the Ryzen offerings are possibly better, also you can overclock those.
  11. it all depends on your preference, I personally use the invicta and have no issues with accuracy in games like Planetside 2, or with speed in Esports like CSGO, however if your work surface gets dirty often a hard surface will wear down the pads on the bottom of the mouse and may create tracking inconsistencies. best of luck with your purchase
  12. Update: my thermal pads came in today, will check back in if that fixes the issue
  13. laptop is clean, I cleaned it yesterday before doing some tests. Ordering some new thermal paste for it. I guess what I really need to know is, will placing the pads on the VRMs choke them or somehow cause them to work worse
  14. I own a XPS 15 9550, the 1080p, 960m, and i7 6700HQ version. when I first started using it it was good, really good, but now that I have started to play some more intensive games and ran some benchmarks, I have noticed an issue. Under mixed GPU and CPU load the computer cuts down on the wattage regardless of the CPU and GPU temps. I followed some of the troubleshooting tips like checking throttlestop or XTU for a throttling reason, they both say TDP or power limit, and even going as far as to undervolt the CPU to -125 mv. However I am still seeing an issue here. upon further investigation it appears that the VRMs are not properly cooled, they aren't even touching a heat pipe and don't have an open vent over them, and are overheating, one user saw 105 C on his VRMs when he started to se throttling. One proposed solution was to place thermal pads over the VRMs to provide conductive contact with the metal back of the laptop. My question here is, will this work, if so how best to do it? Or is there a better solution out there? Note: I am already going to re-paste the GPU and CPU with some better thermal compound.