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  1. Your motherboard is an ATX board, so that will be the main deciding factor in case size. I'd have a look for ATX cases and look at the dimensions to find the volume of each one. Alternatively you could replace your motherboard with a MATX(smaller) or even ITX(smaller still), and be able to use a smaller case.
  2. I already own the motherboard and was looking for an SSD to add was wondering if this was compatible, i know the motherboard has an m.2 slot, i just need to know if it will be able to run at its full speed. Motherboard: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-H170N-WIFI-rev-10#ov SSD: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01M211K53/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&th=1
  3. I have already ruled out the UE Wonderboom because of the annoying battery tone feature and no app for tweaking the EQ so am wondering if I should buy the UE Roll 2 for £64.99 or shell out the extra £55 for the UE Boom 2
  4. Ok thanks, I'll take that into consideration
  5. I have small hands (18cm long and 9cm wide) and play only FPS games using palm grip and am wondering which mouse would better suit me. There does not seem to be a place near me where I can try out both of them so I have to choose which one to order.
  6. Will the new 2DS XL be able to play games that are coming out on the switch like zelda breath of the wild and others?
  7. Its like £10 constantly so i dont know why you would wait 2 months to save a few pounds
  8. if your gonna go for the I7 7700 may aswell get the 7700K
  9. get a better motherboard, not the 3gb version of the GTX 1060 and a larger SSD