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  1. Not looking forward to but I will have to at some point. The CPU cooler has the fan facing the wrong way. Something CoolerMaster did by default... for some unknown reason!
  2. @Egg-RollHaha he's since fallen asleep and rolled off. @TensorVortexThat top card is in the top PCIe slot actually. The usb cable from the cooler is actually sandwiched in between the card and the cooler.
  3. Can't believe I've made it to top 50 after taking a couple days off! Here's some "glam" shots of my rig.
  4. Awesome! Thanks for the reply! Look out for the green dragons
  5. Same here. First out of states LAN for me. Currently having issues packing my monitor but PC is fine atm. I think I might have to buy one locally and take it back or figure out if anyone else needs one. Another question... Will the youtube personalities have time for signing autographs or are we just going to have to rush them on stage? (just kidding, we won't hurt Linus)
  6. Hey, I'm traveling from the states via plane and having a nightmare of a time figuring out how to bring a gaming monitor for BYOC. Is there a monitor rental service like other dreamhacks or am I just going to have to figure something out? Also, how will the security work for the BYOC area? Are we allowed to bring Kensington Cables and Locks with us to secure our PCs or will there be adequate security to have peace of mind to leave our PCs behind without anyone messing with it?
  7. Anyway we can see the spreadsheet use for tallying the end results? I'm doing a similar challenge with my work buddies and we wanted to do the percent based scoring as well. Plus, I think I can get that conditional formatting to work