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Everything posted by monjessenstein

  1. The non max-Q chips are still going to be clocked lower than the desktop chips, though not by much.
  2. Since I don't need portable power I'd go fot the PC 100%. All that I need my laptop for is school so basicly being able run word. Still using a laptop with a 3217-U, and have no need to upgrade.
  3. I doubt you'd need to upgrade, you already have a great cpu for recording due to the cores and a good enough gpu for 1080p.
  4. Honestly if it's 100 more just go for thr R5. The difference at is purely on 1080p, and that's with an overclock and overkill gpu.
  5. A quick google search showed that they would release today, so maybe nda also today?
  6. Yeah I think they got rid of it after 7. Sometimes still try and find it from the start menu out of habit.
  7. Might sound stupid, but I honestly miss the built-in minesweeper.
  8. You can OC any ryzen cpu (well, except for the athlon 200GE) as long as you have an overclocking capable board so basicly a B or X series. Will it last longer is something pretty much no one can answer, I'd say it depends on if games get more multithreading support. I'm also not sure how good ryzen performs in WoW, you'd have to google that or ask someone else. May I ask at what resolution you'll be playing and if at 1080p what gpu? Generally you really only see a difference in amd vs intel in their high end cpu's when you start playing at 1080p with overkill gpu's.
  9. Intel also advertises single core boosts as the offcial boost clock speeds, not something that only one party does. As for X470 vs B450, depends on the price difference I'd say, if it's a pretty small difference then sure why not.
  10. They are quicker, but game load times will barely be any faster if at all. What else will you be doing aside from gaming? Might benefit you but I'd recommend googling benchmarks first.
  11. If you're gaming yopu don't need an m.2 ssd, or atleast the nvme ones, honestly I'd just look at whatever sata ssd with the most space you can get for your budget, since pretty much all of them will perform about the same.
  12. I think they do, but IIRC with the way ryzen is produced most chips are very close to each other in terms of performance. Honestly the reason to get a 2600x over non x is mostly for the single core xfr boost, which'll generally be higher than what you'll be able to get on all cores with an OC.
  13. Wat kind of cooler are you getting? AFAIK the 8700 throttles with the stock cooler.
  14. For occasional gaming 60hz is fine, and 5ms shouldn't be a problem either.
  15. If you'd like Detroit I feel Until Dawn is also a good choice.
  16. One of them is low profile meant to make cooler installatian easier, shouldn't affect performance though.
  17. You will, it the game will just be displayed at 1080p/1440p or have to be upscaled to 4k. In fact even the opposite is possible, running a game in 4k on a 1080p monitor, though you're probably better of running better AA at that point.
  18. From what I remember this is something multiple blizzard games have problems with (I know for sure Starcraft has the same problem), in that the games will run on pretty much anything, but they won't run great on anything.
  19. What kinda fps are you getting? With that kind of system you should be pushing over 300 fps easily at 1080p, there's not much need to go higher than that unless you have a 240hz monitor and can actually tell the difference at that point.
  20. Honestly a delidded 8700k vs a delidded 8086k will perform pretty much the same, maybe the 8086 will get 2-300 mhz higher on overclock which you honestly wouldn't notice much if any of (we're talking 5% difference here)
  21. Could you be a bit more specific with "viruses from linux". AFAIK if you get a virus on one OS it won't migrate to the other (correct me if I'm wrong).
  22. Agree with Luke, in fact there's an rx 570 available for less than the 1050ti whilst it'll definitly outperform it: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/JQQRsY/powercolor-radeon-rx-570-41gb-red-dragon-video-card-axrx-570-4gb-red-dragon
  23. Nah meant the one where data is cloned, whasn't really awake at the time/